highdose, the JWs claim to be politically neutral- this being a symptom of their being the one true religion. The Assembly of YHWHHoshua is far more politically neutral then JWs- not accepting any form of governmental aid. I beleive Christadelphians, Quakers, and the Amish have the same stance. Seems to me like, according to the WT own standards and the facts you mentioned, the WT can not be the true religion. :)
Assembly of YHWHHOSHUA
56100 Hwy. 50 E.
PO Box 278
Boone, CO 81025
The Assembly of YHWHHOSHUA is a small Sacred Name groups in Colorado. It differs from other Sacred Name groups in its designation of YHWH (as opposed to Yah, Yahweh, or Yahvah) as the true revealed name of the Almighty and YHWHHOSHUA (YHWH plus HOSHUA) for the name of the Messiah (as opposed to Yahshua or Yahoshua). The Assembly of YHWHHOSHUA is not affiliated with any other Sacred Name body.
The assembly is one of several Sacred Name Groups to accept the Pentecostal emphases on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It believes in water baptism along with receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in new tongues and shown by a marked improvement in life as manifested by the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5: 22-23). It also teaches the Oneness of YHWH–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–rather than the Trinity. The assembly has developed a strict mode of living, and members strive to be a daily witness and example of the things taught by YHWHHOSHUA, beginning with modest dress, the eating of pure natural foods, and abstaining from sin and the lusts of the world.
The assembly teaches that the Roman Catholic Church, along with her daughter churches, are the Great Whore spoken of in Rev. 17 and that the United States of America is modern Babylon (Rev. 18). Out of that belief, members do not pay taxes, and do not pay social security (in accordance with Mat. 6: 19-21). Social Security numbers are believed to be a form of governmental control leading to the mark of the Beast (Rev. 14: 16, 17).
Such traditional holidays as Christmas, New Year's, Easter, and Halloween, which have their origin in Pagan holidays, are not celebrated. However, members keep Passover, in remembrance of YHWHHOSHUA'S sacrifice for redemption. Members rely on prayer and faith healing, rather than depend on doctors. Along with other commandments, the assembly firmly believes in keeping Saturday, the Seventh Day, as the sabbath; on that day members refrain from work, buying, and selling.
Women in the assembly are believed to be the keepers of the home and the teachers of children (Titus 2: 3-5). Only men may become ministers. The assembly also supports its own parochial school to provide its children with a sound education, upright morals, and a religious background.