The trangression (sin) causing desolation has a lot to do with the New Covenant and .......... Holy Spirit.
After all Jesus Christ said he would forgive our sins and so what is the transgression guaranteed to cause desolation.
Will it not be forgiven.
Made a video series regarding this topic.
Here is part 1:
In Christ
The Unforgivable Sin!
by ablebodiedman 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think on one point the Dubs may be on to something,
the unforgivable sin is to be un-repentant.
You have to know what the Holy Spirit is before you can speak against it.
Sinning against the holy spirit is simply religion's means of preventing people from seeing that the whole structure is a scam. Without this, others would have no reason not to realize that their religion is a scam, discuss it among other members of that religion, and cause people to walk out en masse (preventing the church from making any more money). And, so far, it works--making it extremely difficult for anyone to change their core religion.
I always thought sinning against holy spirit meant working against Jehovah's org.Or never repenting.Then again only god can see the heart.What if we had a problem we didn't want any one to know cause of the hurt it would cause people,wouldn't it be better to take to to God alone.But they say no,you have to confess or you won't be forgiven.This has always upset me.
The Unforgivable Sin an be summed up in one word: Unbelief.
When the scribes and the Phariseahs committed it, they did not believe that Jesus was working by the Spirit of God but instead stated over and over that Jesus had a demon in Him.
Cold Steel
The unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit is entirely different from the sin that causes desolation. To sin against the Holy Spirit is to sin against the witness of the Holy Spirit. Peter denied Jesus three times in one night, but repented. Once he had received a fulness of the gospel from the Holy Spirit, had he denied that witness (not denying the Son, but denying that which had been revealed), he would have sinned against the Holy Spirit. Had he said, "It's not true! I never saw Him heal the sick, nor did He rise from the dead," he would have denied that which he unmistakably knew was of God.
God will not allow the ignorant to damn themselves. To fall hard one must rise precipitously. To grieve the Holy Spirit, one must deny that which the Holy Spirit has revealed. One must, in effect, deny it with the full knowledge that he is doing it.
The transgression of desolation mentioned in Daniel is the transgression of standing in holy places. It has nothing to do with the transgression of the Holy Spirit. It was fulfilled in the days in which the Romans marched against the holy city and destroyed it and the temple. It is the profaning of sacred things, and Gog will attempt to do the same thing in the last days. Only through the intervention of Jehovah, personally, will this be kept from happening. Thus it is that He will touch His foot on the Mount of Olives and "one shall say unto Him, "What are these wounds in thy hands?" And He will reply, "These are the wounds I received in the house of my friends." And the land shall go into mourning, for the Jews will then know their fathers delivered up and killed their Messiah.
But this sin is not that which is against the Holy Spirit. The sin of the Romans and of Gog will be sins of desolation. In Matthew 24, Jesus says: "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place. Whoso readeth, let him understand." As one scholar has put it: "When the Roman standards were planted on the battlements of the sacred precincts, desolation was near, but those pagan insignia were but symbolical of the apostasy that had taken place, which was the abomination which caused desolation."