.....coming back Tuesday afternoon.
Wish me luck.
Signed, Naughty Minimus
by minimus 6 Replies latest jw friends
.....coming back Tuesday afternoon.
Wish me luck.
Signed, Naughty Minimus
Make sure you get to bed early so you can make it to the kingdom hall. Have a good trip.
I don't plan on getting any sleep.
MINIMUS - Have fun guy. Remember " what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas " LOL ! Especially your money if you don' t win ! But I know you'll do good. Hope you take some $$$$ home with you. Good luck, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
darn, I won't be there until thursday
Thanks! It's been 3 yrs. since I've gone. I got a free room from my pal and he's picking me up and bringing me back to the airport. So other than being exhausted, I'm sure I'll have a great time!
Wha, that would've been kewl to get together!