RCH Linsky stated the Russell movement was part of the anti-Christ in his commentary of 1 John 2:18. Not sure what moved him to do that but thought it is pretty funny that JWs quote a person who calls them the anti-christ...
JWs quote Lenski multiple times throughout the years even though Lenski calls them the Anti-Christ
by cognac 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Got any examples of these quotations?
It's on this link:
under commentaries/ rch linsky/ 1 John 2:18
Evidently the library is offline right now though...
And if you want to see the Borgs quotes of Lensky, just search "Lenski" on the WT cd...
http://www.evanglibrary.info/ - That link works. Under commentaries/ rch linsky/ 1 John 2:18
Here is the quote: The way in which John writes “antichrists many” appears to mean that other leaders of his type besides Cerinthus had already come to be. In the following ages new kinds of antichristian leaders arose. Church history describes them and the extent and the duration of the various movements. We are acquainted with those of recent times: Dowie, Russell, Mrs. Eddy, modernism, etc. As they have multiplied, many of the old antichristian falsehoods have been taken up anew, have been dressed up in new verbiage and have paraded as new discoveries. Thus Cerinthus made Jesus the son of Joseph, which is only the modernists’ rejection of the Virgin birth. He denied that the blood of Jesus is the blood of the Son of God with power to cleanse from sin (1:7; 2:2), which the modernists likewise deny.