I know this has been asked before, BUT

by Leprechaun 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leprechaun

    Do Jehovah’s Witnesses’ and their hierarchy claim that they receive direct revelations from God (Jehovah)? If so, can you give me quotes, I would like to show some of my family members who say they are NOT like the Pope of Rome, or the Mormons. Thanks

  • Deputy Dog
  • jwfacts

    JW's claim to hold to the Protestant principle of Sola Scriptura - that they only teach what is in the Bible. Catholicism Magisterium on the other hand is that God continues to progressively reveal doctrine.

    In reality, JW's are very similar to Catholics in that they continue to change doctrine under the guise of Brighter Light. If you read the following from the New Catholic Encyclopaedia it sounds very similar to how the Watchtower is run:

      "Must it be admitted that Christ instituted His Church as the official and authentic organ to transmit and explain in virtue of Divine authority the Revelation made to men? The Protestant principle is: The Bible and nothing but the Bible; the Bible, according to them, is the sole theological source; there are no revealed truths save the truths contained in the Bible; according to them the Bible is the sole rule of faith: by it and by it alone should all dogmatic questions be solved; it is the only binding authority. Catholics, on the other hand, hold that there may be, that there is in fact, and that there must of necessity be certain revealed truths apart from those contained in the Bible… There is, therefore in the Church progress of dogma, progress of theology, progress to a certain extent of faith itself, but this progress does not consist in the addition of fresh information nor the change of ideas. What is believed has always been believed, but in time it is more commonly and thoroughly understood and explicitly expressed."
    If you look at http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/directed-by-holy-spirit.php you will see that the GB do at times claim they are directly guided by Holy Spirit. However, whenever errors are revealed a JW will say they are only indirectly guided by means of Scripture. Yes, very confusing. I think to be most accurate, the GB claim they are directed by Jehovah to come up with doctrine as already revealed in the Bible. If you look at their history, you can find a Scripture to back up whatever you want to teach and change it at random. If you look at http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/183428/1/OUR-BOREDOM-MINISTRY-4-Beware-of-pagan-winter-customs it is humour, but shows how easy it is to make a doctrine and find some random scriptures to support it.
  • Lieu

    Didn't JD say that the name JWs came to him in a dream or something like that?

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