Ethics of Attaining Perfection

by TheClarinetist 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheClarinetist

    I just had an interesting dinner with my parents which ended with them giving me money . But during the actual lunch, the topic of Michael Jackson came up, and an old family friend said the old JW standby "Well, this is the only way he would've gotten into the New World, so its good he died". This led me to think of an interesting question I wanted to present here...

    GIVEN (and yes, I know these are faulty assumptions):

    1. The JW religion is "The Truth"

    2. Michael Jackson is a child molester.

    3. Said child molestation results from a mental illness related to MJ's upbringing.

    4. Michael Jackson will be resurrected.

    4. In the New World, physical ailments, including mental disorders, are cured.

    Here's my question... By curing MJ (or a fictional character who this might also apply to), wouldn't that change who he was as a person through divine intervention, thereby robbing him of his God-given right to free will? If a psychopath WANTED to be a psycopath, yet wanted it because they had something physically wrong with their brain, would it be robbing them of their free will to heal that illness?

    Anyway, just a thought...

  • Elsewhere

    First, I have never heard any JW properly define "perfection". Assuming such a thing even exists, it would mean everyone would be identical down to every atom.

    "Perfection" is a slippery slope because it really cannot be defined given the known laws of physics. (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) It's just as absurd as the idea of "forever". Again, due to the known laws of physics, over an infinite period of time, everything that *can* happen *will* happen.

    > By curing MJ (or a fictional character who this might also apply to), wouldn't that change who he was as a person through divine intervention, thereby robbing him of his God-given right to free will?


  • jamiebowers

    I always thouht that if a df'd person dies before Armageddon that there is no chance for a resurection according to the WB&TS.

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    To answer your question, YES. But with the new system, paradise, perfection, all the lies to keep the dubs wasting their lives, will never happen. All LIES, LIES, LIES. But watch out, the big A is just around the corner.

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