I've posted this already under another topic but thought to do it again and maybe open up an honest discussion.
My son has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome or borderline Autism. Since then I've read just about anything I could lay my hands on. The thing is he is very bright but doesn't mix very well socially. At first that was a major shock to me as a parent. But more I've read about it the more I've realized that what we consider as 'normal' might not be so normal after all. The thing that those kids lack is 'social glue' but not because of
them not wanting friends but because of 'being different' and not being accepted by the rest of the crowd.
In time I've learned that some of the greatest minds ever have had Aspareger's or Autism including Albert Einstein, Mozart, Newton, Benjaming Franklin, Abraham Linkoln, George Washington, Leonardo Da Vinci and so on and so on. So much so that some scholars are now calling it the genious gene. In fact, the bottom line premise that comes through is that what we consider normal is in fact another word for average.
In all honesty, and this is my conclusion, if someone is really a genius why would he even want to appease to the rest of the crowd just for an off chance of being 'accepted' as an average? To put it other way using a comparison, how many of 'normal people', once reaching the status of billionaire, would actually take their wealth and now distribute it equally among their less well off friends just to be accepted as 'equal' or 'normal'? I'm yet to meet one.
Maybe it is the time to review what we consier as 'normal' after all nobody is completely defect-free just that some are better at putting make up on to cower it than others.