Just who 'gave' the name?

by ozziepost 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    The year 1925 was notable as the year when the WTS for the first time proclaimed the importance of the name Jehovah, although the Watchtower followers were not called Jehovah's Witnesses until six years later in 1931.

    This is claimed by the WTS (see Proclaimers book, page 152) to be a name given by "divine providence".

    This is the teaching given in the Knowledge book on page 94, paragraph 12.

    A question: Since there's much conjecture about the 'proper' name and pronunciation of God's name, some believing that Yahweh is the most appropriate, why did an all-knowing God not impart to his F&DS the correct pronunciation. If He wanted His followers to be named after Himself, then why did He tell them to be called by an erroneous name?

    Interestingly, the Proclaimers book itself gives an alternative explanation of the origin of the name Jehovah's Witnesses:

    "Author Chandler W Sterling refers to this as "the greatest stroke of genius" on the part of J F Rutherford, then president of the Watch Tower Society. As that writer viewed the matter, this was a clever move that not only provided an official name for the group but also made it easy for them to interpret all the Biblical references to "witness" and "witnessing" as applying to Jehovah's Witnesses." pages 151,152

    Interesting, eh?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • Erich

    [qoute]"Author Chandler W Sterling refers to this as "the greatest stroke of genius" on the part of J F Rutherford, then president of the Watch Tower Society". [/qoute]

    Because the society is now judged by the Almighty God in regard to have put honor to HIS name or not; more than any other society, religion or association in the world.

  • Mrs Ozzie
    Mrs Ozzie

    G'day Erich,

    Ozzie and I are not sure if we understand you correctly.

    Are you saying that it wasn't a part of Rutherford's strategy?

    Mrs Ozzie

  • cellomould

    Why would GOD attach his ego to a name, anyhow?

    Seems to me that this 'vindication of Jehovah' business is more about protecting the egos of the worshippers.

    That's the way it's always been.

    Cello Jung

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • Erich

    Mrs ozzi:

    "Are you saying that it wasn't a part of Rutherford's strategy?".

    My opinion is:

    It's not so important if it has been "strategy" or "genius stroke" or whatever: If someone (this one could be me, or you, or your husband, or Bill Gates, or the Pope or else...) is going to use the name of the Almighty God and claims to speak in HIS name, he is fully responsible for ALL THINGS WHICH HAPPENS THEREAFTER.

    God didn't conclude a license-agreement with the WTS (or someone else) for using HIS name, which can be terminated to any point in time the licensee might be free to define...

  • Richie

    I agree with you that "the society is now judged by the Almighty God in regard to having put honor to HIS name or not; more than any other society, religion or association in the world". Yes, Jehovah will adversely judge the WTBS for having dared to use his name blasphemously throughout the better part of a century. Very similar to the Pharisaical class who at the time once had God's approval but made it invalid because of their traditions and their burdensome rules and regulations. Yes it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God...

    Richie :*)

  • DannyBear


    The question that has no answer is; How do you know that 'Jehovah' is in fact the 'living God'? Or is he just another one of man's many god's with personalized names?


  • Richie

    When I refer to Jehovah, then I mean a Supreme Being, Yahweh, The Lord, Adonai, Elohim, God the Lord, Our Father, Our Heavenly Father, God Above, The Alpha and Omega, Jah, Almighty God, all referring to an unseen spirit force of the highest magnitude who loves us greatly.
    In that way He is the living God, at least for me and many others.

    Richie :*)

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