Hi Peaeye,
I'm sure you made your approbation made You Know's day; since his most recent jeremiad about October's financial cataclysm fizzled, he's had precious little to gloat about and is in need of solace. Lesser men, of course, would've been humbled by that gaffe; but whatever else he's capable of, and he's capable of a great deal, self-effacement is'nt one of them-- ``unembarassable'' is a word I would coin to describe him, among other worthy adjectives.
I share your opinion about his aptitude as an articulate apologist for the boys in Brooklyn; it would, of course improve his track record immeasurably if he (and they) got things right once in a while. Sure, it happens occasionally, but as I pointed out in a recent threat begun by our friend Yo Yo Mama ``even a busted clock is right twice a day.''
As an acolyte of the Great One, you most know that even he's acknowledge that he's used the word ``indefensible'' to characterize at least several of Brooklyn's pet notions. I've also sought to elicit comment from him as to what his participation on this board suggests of his personal regard for the Faithful and Discreet Slave's spiritual table--to no avail thus far.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your mentor.