Somebody wants me to study the bible with her.

by cognac 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Not sure I really feel qualified to teach her anything about it. I'll tell her that I can discuss my viewpoint, but, I may get things wrong. It's really weird that somebody wants me to study with them. Especially now that I don't believe in the JW religion anymore...

    What are your thoughts about this?

  • chickpea

    seems to me, mate....
    JW bible studies are
    about studying JW material...

    is that what this individual requested?
    a JW literature based bible study?

    if they are just asking to become familiar with
    the bible, there a lots of systematic study aids
    available online......

    just an example>>>

    good luck with that


  • asilentone

    run away.

  • cognac

    No, she doesn't want me to study JW stuff with her, lol. Thanks for the link chickpea!

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Since the bible is a story book why not study something more entertaining like " Green Eggs and Ham " by Dr. Seuss

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