World without time…
TIME…we are slaves to it, we can not escape it, it is all around us. But is it what it appears the stream of time. Is it’s hold on us eternal can we not break it escape it…To be bound by its shackles forever locked it it’s grip. The circle of the earth sunrise sunset another day lost to time. The train that never stops we can not get off for time stops for no one. Is time what we really think of it, is it our master and lord can not we break the chains of time, step out get off that train. Time beyond time a place void of place. To exit time would be to exit reality to venture beyond. For every dimension there is a time but is there. Is there a dimension beyond we are not aware of to step off the platform into another void. To do that would mean not only entering into another void but another universe for what we are is defined by our world. All is not as it seems for there in lies the secret barely mentioned among the ancients to transform our minds place ourselves where we could never imagine. For time controls our beings but it does not control our minds. And it is with our minds we step out into the void. Our minds is the other dimension the other universe…
A world without Time...
by vilot 1 Replies latest jw friends
Do you have any equations or observational data to support these assertions?
-Elsewhere, a Hopeless Geek.