"The plaintiffs focused their complaints on the use of a device that Scientologists say measures spiritual well-being." Glad they got caught on this. Of course, the Watchtower measures their members' 'spiritual well-being' by how many meetings they attend and the amount of hours they report. That's ridiculous also.
French court convicts Church of Scientology of fraud
by Gayle 7 Replies latest social current
That device, called an E-meter, is really just a very primitive lie detector using only an electrical conductivity measurement between two electrodes.
The supplicant lets an "auditor" ask him increasinvly distressful questions or relate teachings and monitor the result to see if he flinches or lets his hands get sweaty.
L. Ron Hubbard actually believed that he could use the damn thing to measure the "wellness" of his tomato vines and demonstrated it for a Time magazine reporter. Guess what got reported in the article that followed?
He is said to have never given an interview to the press after that.
Interesting that their public spokesman after the trial made a series of ad hominem attacks and did not debate the substance of the case - according to the report link above in any case. Perhaps he did make an extensive defence of the e-meter and then parting people from wads of cash based on the results, but the judges didn't believe them after 3 weeks of hearing.
The other interesting point was part of the penalty for the fraud conviction was the requirement for Scientology to pay for media space telling people about the outcome of the case. Perhaps the judges have realized public awareness (self-funded hahahhaa) is more important than an outright ban - Russia take note.
+++ for that Judge, Besty.
Along with the "Crash" director, the Travolta issues, the nutbar on nighline, and now this - is there a sort of media "tipping point" being reached?
When does this lethal combination become a 6:00 pm critical mass story?
Like I said in another thread, if I were Greta van Susterain, I would be having my staff prepare a public statment in my defense.
Epic win for France ! Good work anons!
You know, I am starting to respect the French more and more over the past few months. They were also one of the few who had the guts to stand up and say that wearing the Burka was an act against normal French culture.
The U.S., BTW, has denounced through the state department UK, France, and Germany for being anti-Scientology. These countries view the cult as a commercial sect rather than a bonafide religion.
I think there are a lot of religions that could and should be convicted of fraud.
I hope to see the day when they all get brought low.
I will especially enjoy seeing the Watchtower takedown when those Kingdom Halls become an empty wasteland.