Assembly hall in Sweden sold....

by Albert Einstein 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    On czech anti JW website there was recently an article about Witnesses in Sweden...

    It says, Witnesses in Sweden did built in past years a huge assembly hall for 10.000 persons, it was used for DA a CC. Recently it was sold to a private company SVENSKA HEM AB and it is used for concerts, exhibitions and conferences (now it is called Svenska Hem ARENA). Witnesses do rent it from this company for assemblies when they need it....

    This is pages of the new owner:

    What do you think about it? Are they really starting to sell out? If somebody told you 15 years agou they will sell Brooklyn, assembly halls in Italy, Sweden, Argentina ... Bethel in Spain... would you believe it?

    Anybody from Sweden can give us more details?


  • blondie

    First, did they build a new one or several smaller ones spread out over the area?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    It says they havent built a new one yet. But they plan to build a new one in the future, smaller, cost effective. Untill 2010 the rent it to witnesses.


  • Outaservice

    Maybe they need some quick cash for court cases pending?


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    That's a pretty big assembly hall, 10,000 seats. Ours was only about 2000 seats. Maybe they are downsizing?

  • MinisterAmos

    Makes more sense to rent when they are only going to use it a few days per year.

    They can always build another with free labor

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    If my memory is correct...

    I think they purchased that years ago when it was nearly complete and the developer went bankrupt. There was also a large motel on the property. They completed the buildings with dub labor. I'm surprised they kept the property this long, since there hasn't been much any growth in the cult over there.

  • DaCheech

    build and sell, build and sell, build and sell all day

    we have slave labor, slave labor, slave labor!

    lets make a jingle (kind of like "the wheels on the bus goes round and round")

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