I bet the African Jws thought Armageddon had started when they and everyone else were being hacked to death by machete.
Rwhanda Genocide in the 90's
by foolsparadise 4 Replies latest jw friends
And - are you trying to make fun of them? Do you try to say the Rwandian massacres are something laughable?
Did I say that? You are quick to judge someone. I think what happened is disgusting. I feel pity for them thinking armageddon had started and the reason they were being attacked was because god abandoned them as if they were not worthy of being saved.
Get a life Old Hippie. I say that you are laughable
You should not feel pity for them for thinking Armageddon had started - you should feel pity for them and for the hundreds of thousands of Rwandians who suffered because of the rascist attacks which were actively supported by the clergy of the Catholic Church. THAT was the tragedy, not what some of the victims thought of some of the details.
You are not very smart either. It was blacks killing blacks. There was no racism involved. It was to tribes involved in a conflict. You obviously do not know what you are talking about. Go start problems somewhere else and get a life.