watchtower august 15, page 22, paragraph 19 says "servants of the holy God need to be holy as well", suggesting all jw's or heaven forbid also those who are not witnesses but think they are his servants. Yet if you look here
The many Scriptural references to living members of the congregation as “holy ones,” or “saints” (Dy,KJ), make it clear that a person is not made a holy one, or “saint,” by men or by an organization, nor does such a one have to wait until after death to be made a “saint.” He is a “holy one” by virtue of God’s calling of him to joint heirship with Christ. He is holy in the eyes of God while he is on earth, with the hope of heavenly life in the spirit realm, wherein dwell Jehovah God and his Son, along with the holy angels.—1Pe 1:3, 4; 2Ch 6:30; Mr 12:25; Ac 7:56.
it seems to me that they say only annointed are/can be holy?