I'm not normally superstitious but I'm starting to wonder. Apparently, just about every civilization that ever existed believed in it. In fact, belief was so real that people devised all sorts of things and rituals to appease souls of dead or ward them off in some way. These were normally sane people and very sophisticated in every other sense, just look at their art and you will see what I mean. Reports range from people just having creepy feeling of being observed by someone, feeling strange inclinations and desires, all the way to things, circumstance and even people being influenced, as crazy as it sounds, in a way that would favor dead person wishes and then there are those who reported seeing the deceased. No wonder people introduced, or tried to anyway, all sorts of things just to stop that from happening.
Even today, in the age of "enlightenment", people still report these kinds of things. So I'm wondering what you think about it now that you are no longer a witness. I mean as far as I know even Halloween was put in place for that same reason, wasn't it?
Can dead people come back to affect lives of living?
by Adalwolfa 2 Replies latest jw friends
Smart people can still be governed by emotions that, to others, are irrational. You speak of "creepy feelings" which are the product of our own emotion, not reality.
Just because people are learned & intelligent in the world today, we can still fundamentally disagree with them on many things...
No, I do not think that the dead can come back to affect the living....but that is just IMHO, of course
Thank you Blues Brother, I'm not saying that I believe it (yet) and I agree that emotioanlly tormented husband for example can wish to see his wife again so much that actually sees an apparition. But still why am I reading about such customes everywhere in every age and nation? Could all of that be explained by grief-stricken people wrongly judging what they are seeing?