jw's Vs the kiwi

by highdose 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • highdose

    following on from wantstoleave thread about the ark/flood an interesting point was made that i had not thought of before. Nor i belive was it ever explained in any of my time int the borg.

    The kiwi bird, native to New Zealand, flightless. Now how did that bird survive a flood? it was no where near noah, and couldn't fly out of harms way? i'm sure there are many other examples of this but again... i've never heard the JW's explain this away...


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    or ostridges, or turkeys, or other several specias of birds such as the roadrunner

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If Gee Hovah is clever enough to make a flood.........

    then he is clever enough to hide the evidence........

    .............. so that Satan can use the lack of evidence to test us .

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Highdose, why do you complicate such a simple issue.... let me explain...

    1) All contnets were connected before flood

    2) Jehovah miraculously directed all the animals to go to the Ark

    3) During the flood continets were torn apart, but remained connected by "bridges"

    4) After all the specific animals used the bridges to get on their islands, these bridges miraculously crushed into the sea (so today there is no evidence of them... BTW why shoud we need some???)

    I have not made anything up, everything is based on research of WT scientist and published in WTBS publications. (You can find everything here on JWN)

    So where do you see any problem darling?

    (Oh you all time doubting apostates...)

    From Albert with love

  • Heaven

    3) During the flood continets were torn apart, but remained connected by "bridges"

    4) After all the specific animals used the bridges to get on their islands, these bridges miraculously crushed into the sea (so today there is no evidence of them... BTW why shoud we need some???)

    Uuuhh... AE, you off your meds again?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Hi heaven

    thats no joke, its based on WT (published in 60´s) you can find it here on JWN if you do some research...

    Its also explained in this talk by Bethel speaker Ciro Aulicino (minute 6) BTW I love this talk, I think it should be broadcasted on TV worldwide...


    Albert with love

  • Satanus

    I looked up what it eats:

    Kiwi eat insects and worms as well as fruit and leaves. The Kiwi's main diet consists of worms, slugs, snails spiders, insects and insect larvae. they may also supplement their diet with berries, seeds and leaves. They have also been known to eat fungi, frogs, freshwater crayfish and even eels. They catch insects with their long beaks which are poked into the soil to find insects.

    They hunt at night using their strong sense of smell to locate food. The kiwi is unique in having its nostrils located at the tip of the bill. This is very useful for finding its prey by smell, which is important for a nocturnal bird.


    It could have found all its food in europe. So, it didn't go to new zealand for the food. Maybe, it went there for the girls. Of course, in europe, the kiwi would have been quickly eaten, as it slept during the day. It must have sprinted all the way to kiwiland.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Don't knock the Kiwi. It's New Zealand's national animal.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    WT 15 Jan 1962

    Questions From Readers
    How can we account for animals in isolated lands when the Flood is said to have covered all the earth and the only land animals that survived were those in the ark?—P. G., England.
    The presence of certain forms of animal life on Australia and New Zealand, for example, is no valid argument against the Bible account that all life on earth was wiped out in the Flood, except that of Noah and those with him in the ark. How might these animals have migrated from Mount Ararat, where the ark landed, to other continents and to islands? By means of land ridges. Oceanographic studies reported on by Dr. René Malaise and published in the Swedish geographical magazine, Ymer, tell of findings that indicate that there was once a “Mid-Atlantic Ridge,” crossing that ocean above the surface. (New York Times, September 23, 1956) It is possible that there were also other ridges, and animals could have migrated by means of these before such ridges sank below the surface of the ocean.
    Nor is that the only possible explanation. Other oceanographic studies have turned up evidence that once there existed a huge South Pacific continent that took in Australia and many of the South Sea isles. If such was the case, then, of course, the animals had no difficulty in migrating to those lands.

    This is, as usual, complete rubbish, as the time periods these researchers are talking about are millions of years before Noah.

    Honesty has never been a strong point in the Watchtower.



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I had an unbaptised born-in give me this reasoning. The QFR would have been 10 years old before she was born.

    When I pointed out that her land bridges were millions of years ago, she looked stunned. It had never crossed her mind that there might be a hole in her theory. I don't think she will be getting baptised any time soon.

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