The first thing I showed them was a WT picture of what is going to happen to us poor worldly people at the big "A". I realy ratteled his cage when I asked him if I could borrow his copy of Pay attation to your self and your flock. He then asked where I heard about this book. I told him worldly people know more about the WT than they do. I told then we have moles planted in the WT and that they relay info to us. Now he is realy stating to look flustered. I told him his partner looked like the kind of JW who fugges his service hours and put monolipy money in the donation box. Be this time I think they had enought. He said that I know a Lot about the WT, I said is there any think you would like to know. They proceeded to turn away and leave. As they were leaving I said to them I hope you enjoy your new song book.
Two Elder`s cane to my door the other day
by is there help out there 9 Replies latest jw friends
twinkle toes
so funny! I love the song book jab.
You gave them something to think and talk about for a while
lol!!! I like your style
lmao! Very good!
judge rutherFRAUD
EXCELLENT WORK. you never let them even pull their $HIT you shut them down before they even got going. I've been saying that for years here make dopes out of them before they even start. and it works GREAT, JUST put these WT ZOMBIES ON THE DEFENSIVE and watch them WILT. It's so easy with a BACKBONE and a little KNOWLEDGE of the WTS. THIS POSTER IS A POSTER CHILD HOW TO HANDLE JW'S
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha
I laughed out loud at your "new songbook" comment.
***Rolling on the floor!***
What a wit...Love it!
FANTASTIC. I oddly had two elders stop by my house the other day for their yearly follow...Cuz they care so much. I reconized the voice as being good old elder "Rich" who also has a disfellowshiped daughter. I told him I was not interested in talking to them, and that he should probably be knocking on her door. I mean it would have meant more to me if my parents would have actually try to stop by for once. Everything is so backward. I mean why woud I ever want to talk to two men who were involved in destroying my family.