Epiphany! No Joy for a Reason

by White Dove 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I just realized why possibly the society squashes any and all joyous things having to do with JW life and worship: Joy in this system will bring satisfaction with this system and, therefore, no desperation for the new system.

    Everything is removed so we feel desperate for the new system. Just listen to the JWs talk! It's so depressing. There is no purpose to living now because every single thing they live for now is for the future paradise.

    It helps to feed into the persecution complex they all have. Don't enjoy one single thing now, and if you do, just remember that it is NOTHING like it will be in paradise.

    They keep us depressed and desperate in order to keep us in.

    Edit to add: It's a raging case of co-dependency, I think.

  • snowbird

    Yeah, the huge build-up with no climax.

    Frustration hundredfold!


  • BluesBrother

    You are so right White Dove ! All the good things are banned or discouraged, so life is not fun at all. When I was in, I used to ruefully parody Woollcotts phrase and say that all the things I like are "Either illegal, immoral or untheocratic"

    As of now, it is "Guy Fawkes Night" in the U.K. Families are gathered in gardens around bonfires and letting off fireworks, or gone to large displays of fireworks. On the bonfire is a "Guy" being a representation of Guy Fawkes..

    It is all good fun - except that the Witness kids are either at the Thursday meeting, or at home not allowed to participate in a "worldly tradition"..They must be "no part of the world" .

    Yes, they will say "Roll on the New World" when everything will be done our way, and we won't be outsiders anymore"

  • dinah

    Never thought of it like that, WhiteDove, but you are so right.

  • Heartbreaker

    I agree White Dove, that is an epiphany. Makes sense how even now, out even if for a short time, I have a hard time seeing joy or retaining it in small things. We are told all our lives that this isn't it, just wait. Like riding a huge roller coaster with mediocre rises and falls, waiting for the big thrilling dip and coming back to the station realizing that it didn't exist....should have just enjoyed the dips and highs where you had em. Sad, isn't it?

  • WTWizard

    I noticed that everything fun is banned long before. Starting with music--back then, you had a book of 225 songs (now, it's 135). Anything else had a problem, often hidden, preventing enjoying it. You had to worry yourself sick about what hidden message there might be in the song--and if one is found, the song goes in the garbage. Pretty much the same for movies and TV: if it isn't swearing, it's magic, a touch of violence, sexual innuendo, or promoting something that is against the religion.

    Holidays and birthdays are all banned. Worldly people get to enjoy the fall colors, along with the pumpkins and ghosts. True, it may glorify demons--but children know it's all a show. They get to go from door to door for candy that once a year--in costumes. And, Christmas brings presents, pretty lights, and some nice music once a year (along with the fun of going shopping for gifts). The witlesses deride it as a one-day blowoff that costs huge amounts of money and hassle, but I used to find it enjoyable from when I got the Wish Book well into February. Easter is also banned--the colored eggs and rabbits, the fun of finding the candy, and whatever toys you get are all banned.

    Witlesses can't even get a decent education. That means getting crap jobs that are dreary, plus that don't pay very much. In turn, this further blah-ifies life for the witlesses. The children are not allowed to do well in school (after all, they have those boasting sessions every Thursday evening that run past their bedtimes, on a popular unit test night at that (and they cannot study, between that and field circus).

    And, I have noticed this trend with get-togethers between 1980 and the time I quit. They started with the roller-skating parties. Then, the congregation picnics went. Finally, just about all gatherings of significant size went. The excuse was that there were isolated reports of fornication resulting when these gatherings let out. I have noticed that all the fun has dried out after around 1993. And, every year it seems that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger comes out with new rules proscribing something else that is fun. Most recently, the Goodie Night after the book study was done away with, replaced with that dreary 4-hour Family Waste the Evening Night.

    Now, all their time is wasted in field circus. People are not allowed to have even the slightest amount of fun there or at the Kingdumb Hell. Running is not allowed--you walk as robots. You wear a suit that is usually uncomfortable, and is out of fashion. The men have suits that are most comfortable at around 55 o F, while the "sisters" wear an outfit that is best at around 75 or 80 F. Any accessory that is fashionable is banned. You are allowed no toys, even the children (many of them are hounded for having drawing paper and a pencil during the boasting sessions).

    Of course, anything else they find that might be fun will soon be banned by the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, if it hasn't already.

  • BabaYaga

    Brilliant observation, White Dove.

    Everything is removed so we feel desperate for the new system.

    I saw the unhappy lives and putting everything off until the "new system", but I never put two and two together as you have perceived it this eve.

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