So I have been talking to one or two still active Witnesses since I faded and have been enjoying those very few true friends I had there when we have spoken. One of these dear individuals, however, has just recently made it known to a couple of the elders that she has a lot of doubts and isn't entirely sure what she believes anymore. They linked me to her situation and started flinging the "apostate" word around in regard to me. Aparently there was a special and lengthy local needs part last night regarding apostacy. The CO is coming next Tuesday. Anyone care to guess how long it is until they contact me "to talk?" How much time do I have before I'm announced?
My Days Are Numbered
by Cthulhu 8 Replies latest jw friends
I feel for you, but they cant announce you unless they talk to you, and thats your choice. - if they have no authority over you, then why do you have to meet with them.
You will soon be administered the Purity Test.
(1) Do you believe that this is God's Organization?
(2) Do you consider yourself to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
You can either lie to them, or face a Judicial Committee for apostasy.
They're not interested in your opinion. They simply need to clarify your STATUS. You're a number on a sheet of paper. They need to know which column to put you in.
keyser soze
I feel for you, but they cant announce you unless they talk to you, and thats your choice. - if they have no authority over you, then why do you have to meet with them.
I don't know if that's necessarily true. Once they have it in their heads that a person is an apostate, they don't have to talk with the person. A refusal to meet with them will only re-enforce that belief.
They can announce you if they feel like it. If they set up a meeting and you refuse to go, they can act on the "evidence" they supposedly have.
KS and Minimus...I kind of had those same thoughts.
Keep in mind, I'm not terribly worried about it. After all, what difference does it make? It's more just a formalized note of finality. In any case, I was rather proud of myself, getting a special local needs thrown together at the last minute AND that it made them stay later than usual. My highest achievement involving the organization to date!
After all, what difference does it make?
There is a BIG difference between not going to the Kingdom Hall (weak, fading, etc) and being labelled an apostate, in regards to to how you will be treated by the JWs.
I realize that...but it will make no difference in how I feel about myself. And I know there are three individuals that I still can trust, as we've addressed this possibility in the recent past (yesterday)
I realize that...but it will make no difference in how I feel about myself. And I know there are three individuals that I still can trust, as we've addressed this possibility in the recent past (yesterday)
Sounds good. It seems you have thought about this and pondered the consequences.
Hang in there. The aftermath can be quite an emotional rollercoaster.