Hi all, Jookbeard said in a recent thread of a sister saying she hadn't seen him for a while to which he replied "that's because I haven't been here." I have to attend a few meetings as I will visit my parents who don't know I am fading. Also the memorial and assemblies I still have to attend for a while for the wife's sake. So along those lines, what will dubs say to me, and how can I, in the spirit of jookbeard, give a good reply? What's the best thing you've ever said to a dub?
Meeting coming up... help me Flying Spaghetti Monster!
by KingAgag 7 Replies latest jw friends
Albert Einstein
My favourit:
Elder: "Where were you Albert, when you were not at meetings lately?"
Albert: "Oh yes, Iam gonna tell you and you will start going there as well..."
Elder: Completely confused, doesnt dare to ask anything more, thinking "Whats wrong...? He was supposed to apologize to me for missing meetings...."
wha happened?
an old buddy of mine whom we knew each other b4 becoming dubs I still chat with. He asks where I go and I say in a joking manner; "I'm inactive" and he just laughs
Ignorant Dub: We haven't seen you in a while.
Me: (putting on concerned face) I know, I've been worried about you. It's good to see that you're making an effort though.
Then, before they have a chance to reply, pretend something urgent has come up (easy if you have kids) and quickly walk away.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I haven't tried it, but you might say that you've been attending meetings online.
look at them in horror, say.. "did you not know"? and when they say "know what"? just say. .ahh I better not say then for now. . .
and change the subject....:O
look at them in horror, say.. "did you not know"? and when they say "know what"? just say. .ahh I better not say then for now. . .
and change the subject....:O