*** lv chap. 12 pp. 133-143 Speak What "Is Good for Building Up" ***
Q9, 10. (a) What kind of language has become part of everyday speech in today's world? (b) Why do we need to reject obscene language? 9 Obscene language. Cursing, profanity, and other forms of obscene language are part of everyday speech in today's world. Many resort to expletives to emphasize their speech or to compensate for an otherwise limited vocabulary. Comedians often use vulgar, sex-oriented speech to make people laugh. Obscene language, however, is no laughing matter. Some 2,000 years ago, the inspired apostle Paul counseled the Colossian congregation to put away "obscene talk." (Colossians 3:8) Paul told the Ephesian congregation that "obscene jesting" is among things that should "not even be mentioned among" true Christians.-Ephesians 5:3, 4.
Today's world = non jw's?
Why didn't Paul use the term"true Christians"?
Are true Christians only JW's?
10 Obscene speech is offensive to Jehovah. It is also offensive to those who love him. Indeed, our love for Jehovah moves us to reject obscene language. When listing "the works of the flesh," Paul cites "uncleanness," which can include impurity in speech. (Galatians 5:19-21) This is a serious matter. An individual can be disfellowshipped from the congregation if despite repeated counsel he unrepentantly makes a practice of using speech that refers to or promotes what is grossly immoral, degrading, and corrupting.
Q11, 12. (a) What is gossip, and how can it become harmful? (b) Why do worshippers of Jehovah need to avoid slanderous speech?11 Harmful gossip, slander. Gossip is idle talk about people and their lives. Is all gossip bad? Not if we mean innocent conversation in which we might share positive or helpful news, such as who just got baptized or who needs a word of encouragement. First-century Christians had a keen interest in one another's welfare and shared appropriate information about fellow believers. (Ephesians 6:21, 22; Colossians 4:8, 9) Gossip, however, can be harmful if it distorts the facts or reveals private matters. Even more serious, it can lead to slander, which is always damaging. Slander is "the utterance of false charges . . . which defame and damage another's reputation." The Pharisees, for example, resorted to malicious slander in an attempt to discredit Jesus. (Matthew 9:32-34; 12:22-24) Slander often causes contention.-Proverbs 26:20.
"...positive or helpful news..." - What about if that brother has molested your child, there has not been 2 witnesses, and now you are asking how he can be used in the congregation?
Why does the WTS habitually slander its opposes by spreading malicious lies about them without ever identifying or adressing the issues?
12 Jehovah does not view lightly those who use the gift of speech to defame others or to cause divisions. He hates those causing "contentions among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19) The Greek word rendered "slanderer" is di•a′bo•los, which is also used as a title of Satan. He is the "Devil," the evil slanderer of God. (Revelation 12:9, 10) Surely we want to avoid speech that would cause us to become, in effect, a devil. There is no room in the congregation for slanderous speech that stirs up such works of the flesh as "contentions" and "divisions." (Galatians 5:19-21) Hence, before repeating some news about someone, ask yourself: 'Is it true? Would it be kind to repeat this? Is it necessary or advisable to share this information?'-1 Thessalonians 4:11.
Elders gossip and slander everyone in the congregation in their meetings. Some call that discussing the spiritual qualifications of the sheep.
How many have been defamed and inappropriately labelled apostates and outed from JW land because the elders have said they cause divisions despite what they said being truthful?
How many "devil" elders created ""contentions among brothers" and slandered others, disfellowshipping honest people who speak the truth?
Q13, 14. (a) What effect can abusive speech have on its hearers? (b) What is reviling, and why does a reviler put himself in a dangerous position?13 Abusive speech. As previously noted, words have the power to hurt. Admittedly, at times because of human imperfection, we all say things we regret. However, the Bible warns about a pattern of speech that has absolutely no place in a Christian home or in the congregation. Paul admonished Christians: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you." (Ephesians 4:31) Other translations render the phrase "abusive speech" as "evil words," "injurious language," and "insulting language." Abusive speech-including degrading name-calling and harsh, relentless criticism-can strip others of their dignity and leave them feeling worthless. The tender and trusting hearts of children are especially vulnerable to the crushing effects of abusive speech.-Colossians 3:21.
The WTS has an excellent record of name calling and "insulting language
"Apostates who hate former associates in Jehovah's service no longer have such fellowship with God and Christ." - w86 7/15 p. 10 par. 4
"We must also be on guard against extended association with worldly people. Perhaps it is a neighbor, a school friend, a workmate, or a business associate." - w94 2/15 p. 24
"False religious doctrines such as "self-naughting" or character development to the extent where one becomes self-effacing by deadening all desire as taught by Buddhism and some false Christian sects are things advocating error." - w56 7/15 p. 433 par. 10
"Satan now sustains this opposition to God with counterfeit teachings spread by deceitful religious ministers who "keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness."" - w91 12/15 p. 26
"Some false teachers may formerly have been true Christians, but at one point they turned from truth to error." - w00 10/15 p. 9
"Jesus spoke of the "evil slave," a class that complains, "my master is delaying," and starts to beat its fellow slaves. (Matthew 24:48, 49) Often, these individuals and their followers have no clear teachings of their own; they are interested only in destroying the faith of others." - w00 10/15 p. 9
"This is so strikingly different from the self-righteous and sanctimonious stance of Christendom's prominent ones." - w84 5/15 p. 21 par. 9
"By 1919 it was apparent that Jehovah had passed judgment on Christendom-and indeed on all falsereligion." - w89 4/15 p. 7 par. 10
"Antichrists have become particularly active during "the last days," the time in which we now live. (2 Timothy 3:1) A key objective of these modern-day deceivers is to mislead people in regard to Jesus' role as King of God's Kingdom." - w06 12/1 p. 6
"The flock of God worldwide is united in a "oneness in the faith" that stands in clear contrast to the divisions in worldly Babylonish religions, particularly those of Christendom." - w76 7/1 p. 401 par. 4
"She also practices spiritual harlotry by lending her support to earth's "kings," or political rulers, receiving favors in return. This symbolic woman is none other than the false religions of the world." - w06 12/1 p. 6
"Well, who has taken the lead in reviling and persecuting the 20th-century spiritual Israel? Has it not been apostate Christendom, through its proud clergy class?" - w83 11/15 p. 28
"Some of the Protestant clergy, a faction of Babylon the Great's representatives in Canada, took these quotes to their political cronies in the Canadian government and denounced the Bible Students as seditious." - w89 5/1 p. 4
14 In the strongest possible terms, the Bible condemns reviling-the practice of vilifying others with insulting, derogatory, or abusive language. An individual who makes a practice of such speech puts himself in a dangerous position, for a reviler can be removed from the congregation if he fails to heed repeated efforts to help him change. Unless he changes his ways, he could also lose out on Kingdom blessings. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 6:9, 10) Clearly, then, there is no way for us to remain in God's love if we make a practice of uttering speech that is unwholesome, untrue, or unkind. Such speech tears down.
Are they admitting that being outside the congregation doesn't mean a person loosing out on "kingdom blessings"?
Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 9 November 2009
by LUKEWARM 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Psychotic Parrot
Fuck them all.
First, vulgarities can be used to enhance an otherwise good story. When used sparingly and judiciously, a vulgar word can highlight the meaning, or be used for emphasis. I do agree that, when every other word you use is a swear word, it loses its ability to highlight and it can become rather boring (unless rap singers, who are professionals at using this kind of language to entertain, are doing this as a form of comedy). And there is nothing wrong with an occasional dirty joke, where appropriate.
Talk about gossip and slander--how often do the hounders use it to force people into their purposes? They can and do go behind your back so you will be herded into the Value Destroyer Training School, killing any marriage prospects before they can even get off the ground. I have heard of the witlesses using this kind of speech to ruin people's lives for simply questioning one minor point from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. They lie in court, especially in child custody cases (telling the judges that the children have normal goals while telling the opposite story at Grand Boasting Sessions).
Bitter speech? Anyone ever wonder how we got the ability to coin alternative terms for the witlesses? Yup, from the witlesses themselves. The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself coins derogatory terms for regular people--worldly (in a derogatory sense, not a positive sense), apostate (again, meant to be derogatory), "not of our sort", "Satanic", "bad association", "poison" (or "urine"), goats, bird food, and "foolish". All of which I have seen in official sources to describe people that are not witlesses (either from the platform or in one of their rags). They also call churches "Babylon the Great", "the Great Harlot", and false religion. I have heard TV referred to as "Time Vacuum". I heard of "cat licks" (Catholics) while out in field circus. And they have plenty of other bad terms for worldly people (here, referred to as anyone that has not fallen for the scam) or those who have left the cancer.
I am sure the witlesses have vilified people for merely disagreeing with their Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger on one tiny part of their information. There is no such thing as "The core doctrine appears sound, but I have a problem with this one minor doctrine"--either you agree with every little thing they teach, or you are "their enemy". And, they bash other people for having problems while they themselves have the same problem, often to a worse degree or are more resistant to fixing it (such as the Catholic pedophile issue, which at least the Catholic church is trying to come clean about).
It's not WHAT you say- it's HOW you say it, that makes it vulgar speech... having said that- F#CK the WTBTS!
Thanks again Lukewarm, your efforts are very appreciated!
Comedians often use vulgar, sex-oriented speech to make people laugh.
I knew a group of elders that would regularly gather to watch Benny Hill live or on tape. It was well known and not a peep of complaint from the peanut gallery.
might share positive or helpful news, such as who just got baptized or who needs a word of encouragement. First-century Christians had a keen interest in one another's welfare and shared appropriate information about fellow believers. (Ephesians 6:21, 22; Colossians 4:8, 9) Gossip, however, can be harmful if it distorts the facts or reveals private matters
The issue is that they never follow through and give a word of encouragement, just discuss all the salacious details