You know when you are dating you do all those cute things for each other...all the little text messages, random calls, make out sessions, cuddling. It's great and you love it. But should that all stop or change because you get married? Is it wrong to want those things when you are married?
You know when your dating......
by LoriJis 9 Replies latest social relationships
Dating is the fantasy life, while marriage is the real life. It's best to try to combine the two at least once in awhile.
Romance???? I forgot what that was! if my hubby brought home flowers I would demand to know exactly what hes done WRONGE... and that is sooo sad
You do get tired of hinting that would you like a bit more "romance", conversation etc.... but if you've got to ask for it, thats a good sign that the 'honeymoon' is definatly over!!!!!!
Shit! I just realized how crap my marriage really is....... I'd ask to go on a date with him, but what would we talk about?? I think I've just spent the last 8 years of my life living with a total stranger- who the hell did I marry..... ?????