Millenium views? - Pre or Post

by xelder 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • xelder

    I've read both of Ray Franz's books (excellent) and both of Carl O. Jonsson's (also excellent) After dismantling the WT doctrine of 607 and last days, Carl O. Jonsson comments on the establishment of Christ's kingdom in the year 33. I assume (I think I'm right) that he is supporting a Postmillenialist or Amillenialist view, as apposed to Premillenialism. Can anyone point me to a good source of information and discussion on these various views? Do any of you favor one over another? (Assuming you still beleive the Bible of course) Thanks in advance.

  • yknot

    Currently I am a pre-millennialist..... (contemplating classic versus dispensational)

    I really haven't explored the Ano or Post......other than a quick overlook of a preterist site.

    I am interested however in what other posters have too say too!


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I really think that depends on your understanding of "The Kingdom".


  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    I really think that depends on your understanding of "The Kingdom".

    Or what 1,000 years mean.


    I recommend The Meaning of the Millenium: Four Views. I no longer hold to any of these views however. Dr. Robert Morey did a series on what he called Jewish Appocalypticism and the Book of Revelation that I believe is the best and most balanced view I have heard

  • Pterist

    ***** Can anyone point me to a good source of information and discussion on these various views? Do any of you favor one over another? (Assuming you still beleive the Bible of course) Thanks in advance.****

    I seen your reply to a new member about the kindom book source of chronology on 607 etc. I subsequently, checked out some of your topics and was interested did you come to any conclusions on which type of millennium understanding you favor.

    I personally have gravitated to a Amillennium / PARTIAL Preterism version. Where we are living presently in the symbolic "church" millennium between Revelation 20:1-6 and awaiting Revelation 20:7-15

    I will send this in a pm if you prefer !


  • Londo111

    I’m somewhere between partial and full preterism, and maybe somewhat a pantelist as I believe in universal reconciliation. Therefore, I believe either the “1000 years” ended in 70, or are ongoing.

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