Okay, I am bringing this up again, because I have an update.
My non-jw niece called me today and said her childrens doctor received a batch of swine flu shots, and she was supposed to get one hundred shots, and she got two hundred, so she is spreading the word around to families of her patients that she has these extra swine flu shots.
I was asked to call my daughter and see if my grandaughter could get her shot. She would have to make an appointment. So, after talking with my daughter she decided that since her daughter is going to get the shot in school next Tuesday anyway, she won't bother to make an appointment for her.
So after this conversation, I thought I will call my jw nieces, and see if they got the shots or want the shots for their kids. One of them for sure, has the same doctor as my grandaughter, and she has two young children, not of school age yet, so they are eligible. I called them, and couldn't get a hold of either one, so seeing their jw grandma babysits for them every week, I decided to call her.
I told her the situation, and she told me that she didn't know what position her daughters are taking on the swine flu shots, so I asked her what she meant. (playing dumb).
She started talking about how the medical "community" often comes out with treatments that are more harmful than they are good, and she went into detail about some programs she saw about how people took certain prescribe medications, and ended up dying because of the side effects. I said, "All medications have side effects, but is it better to not take the medications and die, or take them and possibly have side effects? We went back and forth over this issue for a while, and she finally said, she will e-mail them with the information and thanked me for it.
I also mentioned that I wouldn't want them to be pressured into not taking the flu shots, and she said she would never do that, anyway. (Which I don't believe). I told her I wanted to let them know about the opportunity to get the shots, because if I didn't and one of their kids contracted the flu and died, I'd feel guilty and responsible. She agreed with my position.
Now...I am starting to think that the elders are "advising" the flock to not take the swine flu shot.
My question....Is there anyone else on this forum who has run into the same situation as I encountered?
I really am starting to think this is wide spread, similar to when they banned the smallpox vaccinations years ago.