I got engaged this weekend!

by feenx 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • feenx

    I popped the question and got a yes! :)

    I have to say, it's a bit surreal. Being raised a JW, being out now for 7 years and gradually adjusting to "normal" life. Having had relationships as well as encounters (not simultaneously thank you) with "wordly" women...and now getting engaged is all part of this journey since the exodus from the WTBS. It was a little odd too thinking about a wedding and such knowing my parents will most likely not be there. Hearing my fiance on the phone with her mother, knowing that was not a phone call I could make.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy and not trying to pull a pity party by any means. Really it's more of an odd observation, that truly a beautiful and important step in my life is something the parental units by choice won't be sharing in.

    I'm truly tired of feeling bad about it, or sad for myself. I now am rejoicing in my happiness, and I know that the family I am building will never turn out the way things did with my folks.

    So yay for this lil JW boy, who might just be growing up a bit ;)

  • leavingwt


  • babygirl30

    CONGRATULATIONS on adjusting to 'worldly' life and making the big decision to get engaged!!! Wishing you the best ...

  • nelly136

    if you havent got a load of family to buy flights for theres always the wedding on a tropical beech.


  • Butterflyleia85

    Awww yay!! I just came across another engaged person on here! Wow how awesome!! I know what your saying, I'm currently engaged too and he is nonJW! He's the best thing that ever happened to me too! But Yay for you it so exciting and wonderful!

  • babygirl75

    Congrats!!!! I wish ya'll much happiness!

  • Newborn

    Congrats and all the best!!!

    (I hope I'm next)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Congratulations! It seems this board has had some happy couplings lately

  • jamiebowers


  • yknot

    At least send a card announcing your engagement to your parents........and yall's gift registry.

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