The “conscious class”…

by tjlibre 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • tjlibre

    The “conscious class”…

    I have just come across this term on the website. It appears to refer to those who are awakening and learning that the WT is just another religion that uses mind control to hold us captive, but for numerous reasons can’t leave the Org.

    My questions regarding the “conscious class” of JW are:

    1) What are the possibilities that more and more sleeping witnesses will wake up and become part of this “class”?

    2) What effect will this have on the world wide movement and by extension the GB?

    3) Are there any indications that the GB is aware that perhaps thousands of witness are “active” only because of the social and family aspect of the religion rather than for its dogma?

    Your thoughts…..

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm of the belief that if we could somehow organize and all walk out at once it could be devastating to the WT. I think there are that many of us. Each of us fading in his/her own time and manner are like tiny bee stings days or weeks apart. A walk out of thousands all at once could be like a killer bee swarm.

    You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

  • Hopscotch

    Mad Sweeney - last night I actually dreamed I was back in my old congregation and one by one we woke up then all left together!

    tjlibre - I don't know what the percentage of the conscious class is but I can't wait for the tipping point to happen then hopefully a mass walk-out.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I think I used that expression in my article Awake in the Watchtower in the JWR magazine.

    I think the conscious class is growing all the time and the GB sees the threat.

    I believe the effects are already evident - ever more JWs missing ever more meetings and dropping out of field service, hence the consolidated meetings and concessions to allow more publishers to count phantom field service hours (especially bible studies with children).

    Eventually I think the hardliners will try to cut the dead wood loose by becoming even more demanding and controlling. Maybe there will be a schism? It's hard to call.

  • freedomisntfree

    I think the WT will probably squash this movement ,people will either get their minds and lives totally free or get sucked back in.

  • tjlibre

    I think that many feel that something is not right, but they can’t quite put a finger on it. That was my case, until I got the courage to investigate, I’m sure that you are familiar with the guilt and fear you feel at first. I don’t see many taking that first step, or accepting that their whole life has been controlled by unnecessary man made rules.

    But I’m confident that the number of unhappy/unsatisfied JW out numbers the happy joyful ones. They are potential members of the “conscious class” but they don’t know it yet…LOL. I see it in their eyes, they are tired, drained, unfulfilled, it shows on the way they present the “message” in FS and meeting participation. If the GB drops the reporting of FS hours, I’m confident that that’ll bring the artificial “preaching” work to a screeching halt.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    It's hard to tell because everyone is afraid to honestly express themselves. I do see that the level of devotion has dropped from when I was a kid. I agree with tjlibre that many sense something isnt' quite right but can't put their finger on it. I recall speaking with a long time elder who I grew up with and respected saying that the "friends were just tired". He had become a VERY liberal elder and at that point (being the self righteous prick that I was) I thought he was out of bounds many times. Now, I see he was probably part of this "conscious" class and didn't really believe it. But, like many of us, he had his entire family on both sides in and probably doesn't believe it's worth it to walk away. I have a suspicion that he's taking the approach that he can help folks by being an elder by protecting them to some degree. I tried that at first but I finally realized that I didn't matter and couldn't reform the org.

    As tjlibre said, the first step is the hardest and the one that many people refuse to take. It's amazing that a lifetime of beliefs can be swept away in a few hours, yet that's really what happens. Jesus said that those who build faith on falsehood is like building a house on sand. Easily knocked down.

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