"Lovers of Freedom" Convention

by White Dove 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Did anyone feel kind of perplexed as you read that title? Did it do a somersalt in your head while you tried to grab hold of the message it was supposed to convey? When I read that some summers ago, my mind struggled to make sense of freedom while a JW.

    I couldn't do it. It became one of those things that got shoved to the back of my mind along with the innocent holiday prohibitions. We weren't free no matter how they explained it. When I heard them say that we were free to worship God, I thought that wasn't freedom to me.

    I never felt free. I thought about one of the Amendments on freedom of religion and thought how this wasn't even close to it. We weren't free to explore other religions or simply to quit religion all together.

    My conclusion while still a raving JW was that we were NOT free, no matter what they said. I felt uncomfortable during and after that whole convention. I felt the twist of the words. The illogic pounded at my brain. Their explanation of Berean searching for truth hit me like this, too.

    Any raving JW's ever felt that? No matter how strong your love was for the organization (I never once loved JH, now that I think about it) did your brain tie up in a knot when things like this came up?

  • minimus

    Yeah, JWs are the freest people in the world!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    The Bereans were not searching for Paul to be wrong but, rather, for him to be right. They weren't being critical, noooo, they were being deligent in their search for truth. Weird, huh?

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    "the truth will set you free"

  • AllTimeJeff

    You should watch "The Prisoner" on AMC. Very, very, very JW'ish....

    Oh, and they are "free".

  • Elsewhere

    From the book 1984:




  • lancelink

    I would get the feeling such as when an acute case of the flu hits you like a hammer to the stomach.

    Then a massive headache as I tried to grasp the concept,,, never worked.

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