144 000 - some wierd figures. Will partakers top 10 000 in 2009??

by hamsterbait 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait
  • hamsterbait

    I counted up the Deaths/ New partakers over the 71years 1936 to 2007.

    I assumed 70 as the average lifespan, which means we can reasonably expect a decline of 1.43% each year.

    Those dead: 14 707 New partakers: 52 312.

    Average deaths each year: 207. Average new partakers each year: 737.

    This gives a combined total of Memorial partakers between 1936 - 2007 of 66 839. According to the Witchtower of 1988 15/12 there were 27 006 partakers in 1936. Smell anything yet?

    1: Where those dying (3 figures) exceeded new partakers (2 or single figure) 16 years out of 71.

    2: At no point did the number of deaths in a year exceed 561.

    3: Lowest number of deaths 122 in 2003. Lowest number of new partakers 3 in 1988.

    4: Highest deaths 561 in 1938. Highest number of new partakers 10 677 in 1937

    5: Nine years where the new partakers are in four figures.

    6: Of the 43 years where both deaths and new partakers are three figures new partakers are higher in 21 years. The biggest difference being 1955 where there were 231 deaths to 813 new partakers.

    7: Wt own 1998 figure shows 8756 partakers, 1999 shows 8755. ONE died - yet in 1999 124 "got the call" and started taking the emblems!


    The WT has all this information, so has to be deliberately deceitful.

    For details of how I arrived at the figures see my thread "144 000 blasted by the Math (WT lying again)" posted on January 1st.


  • joelingeorgia

    when I was at Watchtower Farm a bunch of us took a road trip one Saturday and one of us was

    reading a non Watchtower book about the history of early Christianity that he had checked out of the

    Bethel library. At one point he read out loud that hundreds of thousands of early Christians were

    killed by the Romans. We all kind of went hmmm? didn't know that there were that many early

    Christians, even though the Bible says Peter baptized 3000 in one day. so if the 144,000 were the

    first firsts, the first 144,000 Christians, how could there still be 60,000 of them alive in the 1930's.

    Its bogus. totally bogus.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I think I read somewhere that they can even fall away AFTER they are dead? is this true? or is this only "while they are still on the earth"?

    If so, that would mean only the great crowd dies dead dead,

    and when a annointed dies its only on earth? are they wisked off to "heaven" or some place where they might sin? or read the truth about the Truthâ„¢ and get heavenly DF'd which clears the way for new ones on earth - like the young GB members?

    if so, then it doesn't sound bogus, it could happen.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I just have one word reincarnation .

    All the "anointed" are "born again"... and "again"... and "again"!

  • WTWizard

    This sure sounds fake to me. What happened to the "Christians" of the first century? I suppose those no longer count--and neither do the ones that the witlesses claim were true Christians between 100 and 1872 AD.

    If this keeps going, pretty soon we are going to have more than 144,000 just since 1872.

  • sir82

    The key for the WTS is hoping the number of partakers stays low. So long as there are around 10,000 or so partakers, it seems kinda sorta maybe plausible, to unthinking JWs, that there were a few 10's of thousands of "true Christians" in the 1st century, a few 10's of thousands more throughtout the 20th century, and 10,000 or so now.

    But if the number jumps up to 15, 20, 25,000, as it likely will with the "new understanding" of 1935, it will raise a few eyebrows, even with lots of articles talking about "truly anointed ones", and condemning "fakers".

    I suspect that they'll simply stop publishing the number of partakers in a few years.

    Or alternatively, in a pet theory of mine, they'll return to a "two-tier" heavenly class teaching. That the 144,000 are destined to rule as "kings and priests", and another small, yet unknown, number are also anointed, also going to heaven, but are not part of the "faithful and discreet slave class".

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