...get d´fd for deliberately setting his alarm clock at 07.06 am (the equivelent of 06.66h), fill his car at the petrol station for exactly 6,66$, and have a breakfast at starbucks for the same price?
would that be a very naughty thing to do? ; )
by Adrianoblue 8 Replies latest jw friends
...get d´fd for deliberately setting his alarm clock at 07.06 am (the equivelent of 06.66h), fill his car at the petrol station for exactly 6,66$, and have a breakfast at starbucks for the same price?
would that be a very naughty thing to do? ; )
don't be so silly.
they have better things to do than what you suggested.
No, but if they dress thier dog up as a ballerina they get 3 years added to their everlasting life. W.Once
Yes If I was on your committe hearing I would DF'D you just for suggesting it LOL
666 is a great number
666 is supposed to be for religion, politics and economy. So I suggest you
* fill your car for $6.66
* turn up to vote at exactly 7:06
* say "hail Mary" 666 times
That should do the trick.
The number 666 does not have the mystical aspect to it in the WTS as it does for other individuals and groups.