Hi all. I was here a few weeks back and I do continue to lurk and read everyones posts, but I chose to quit posting myself because I read a lot of the archives and I was horrified to find out that people actually read and match up stories to turn into the elders at the Hall, and cause havoc in members, and non members lives. I felt I had given away to many distinctive details about the person in my life, so I decided to quit postiing for mine and their sakes. Someone in another thread mentioned me so I decided to pop my head up.
I didn't disappear
by Confuzzled 3 Replies latest jw friends
If you posted something you don't want seen possibly the administrator could delete it for you?
Why don't you post a request to Simon?
Welcome back..
Wondered where you'd gone... If you have a few specific posts that provide actual identifying information, you can request for the mods to edit that data out. Post a thread under 'Technical Support' for assistance. -Aude.
The entire first thread I ever posted I'd love to have removed LOL! I was so totally creeped out by what those people do......Unreal! Further research into the person in my life's cong has revealed that his particular Hall is very liberal, so I doubt Sister CantMindHerOwn is lurking here, but I'm just being safe.