Theologians depend upon folly for their happiness.
1. They are happily full of self-love.
2. They use too many newly-invented terms and definitions.
3. They 'play' around with complex questions.
4. They have ridiculous ethical rules.
5. They try (and ultimately fail) to express things better than the apostles did.
6. They correct and criticize the church fathers.
7. They try to convert unbelievers with their logic rather than their lives.
8. The most pious men are disgusted by them.
9. They believe they uphold the church.
10. They make-up their own pictures of hell and heaven.
11. They don't follow the proper use of grammar and use a language of their own.
12. They glory in the title of "Our Masters".
Erasmus and Theologians In His "Praise of Folly" -- Sound Familar?
by Room 215 1 Replies latest watchtower bible
Room 215
BlackSwan of Memphis
Familiar yes. Interesting read. Further reading suggestions?