Blood questions and new law in Canada news

by cognac 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    My understanding is that if a child needs a blood transfusion and the parent refuses, the child becomes a ward of the state. However, once the child gets the transfusion, do the parents just get the kid back? Does DSS get involved? Is there any investigation? Any prosecution for the parents if the delay in the child getting a transfusion caused the child to die?

    In other blood issue news... In Canada, on June 16, 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada made this decision regarding medical care of mature minors. "If the court is persuaded that the necessary level of maturity exists, the young person's view ought to be respected." This could lead to some very sad consequences...

  • Emma

    I doubt the kids are physically taken away. The order for transfusion would be carried out despite the parent's objections. It happens here in the states regularly. I suppose if the court had reason to believe that the parents would run away with the child it would be a different matter. I've known of two cases personally, one with a five year-old where the room was monitored, and the other where it was a young teen and the transfusions were administered; I think the parents acknowledged the courts decision.

  • BadBettie

    The BC sextuplet case [4 needed blood]:

    Recent teen girl incident:

    The second one made me kind of irritated to say the least. Ive had MANY MANY medical procedures absolutely done against my will as a teen. I most certainly felt absolutly violated and am still mad about it..but I could never ever compare it to rape. Ive heard it compared to it many times by witnesses and possibly in some actual WT publications. Its not anger or irritaion directed at her or anything, its more that I really really hope she wasnt fed that idea and that no matter what happened to her, her health mental and physical, can be at its best.

    I would have refused on the basis of my parents religion up to the age of 17. That scares me because I have never believed in god. Being born in does some weird things to your brain.

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