Ok, So I had a toothache a few weeks back and found out I had an infection, which my dentist prescribed me clindamycin. OHHHH MY GaWWWWD.... it is the suckiest thing on the planet. While I took 4 doses each day for 7 days to get rid of the bad bacteria, I noticed no problems & the toothache went away. However, after a couple days AFTER the last dose, I started to feel like I was getting the flu, but not quite. You know when you *feel* like you're *about* to get sick? That's how I've been feeling for a week and 1/2. Tight throat, nausea, sweating, bodyache, headache, racing heartbeat....but nothing CRAZY serious. I'm a very, very healthy person & I figured if I was getting truly sick, I'd be gettin' swine flu or even a cold or the generic flu...but NOTHING. IT's gotten no worse, no better. As most folks, I only glanced at the packet included in the prescription & remembered a word from it (don't ask me what the word was because it appears my short-term memory has also been affected)...I called the pharmicist & had them spell out the medicine I'd finished a few days prior....CLINDAMYCIN...GOT THAT?...CLINDAMYCIN. It is NO BUENO folks. I googled it and all the horror stories that popped up are ME. It appears that this antibiotic not only killed the bad bacteria, but a lot more as well...so I'm starting on some immune support herbs and probiotic accidophillus. Geez, I hope somebody benefits from this thread.
by AwSnap 7 Replies latest jw friends
plus it just sounds bad; like it's a cure for something sailors and hookers and recent exJWs would pass around.
I know what you mean though. Last time I had a sinus infection, it jsut seemed to stay with me, not putting me down totally, but just bad feeling. At some point I realized the otc medicine I was taking was making me feel tired, sleepy, and feverish.
I hope someone benefits from it too. There are two things to always, ALWAYS DO whenever one needs to take an antibiotic:
ONE: Take every single PILL, finish the prescription, even if you felt better right away! If you do NOT finish the dose, the infection can very easily come back STRONGER and more RESISTANT to the antibiotic if it is not killed completely with the whole prescription.
TWO: Always, ALWAYS take a probiotic along with it to prevent even worse symptoms after! Even if you just eat yogurt with active cultures, that is better than nothing. Acidophilus is great to take, and a multiple "pro-biotic" supplement is even better.
Sorry you're feeling poorly, Snap... feel better!
If you look closely at any medication, you can find bad side effects..and horror stories.
Talk to your dr and pharmacists! They are the professionals!
Friend had a horrible reaction to clyndimycin that ended up in hospital.
I did a lot of research and found that it is contraindicated with certain cholesterol medications.
Baba, I took every single pill at the proper intervals 4x's a day for 7 days. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I should be taking the probiotics as well. I'm functioning and probably don't appear to be sick, but man...
Yes, Snap, I figured you had taken the entire dose from your wording in your original post. I was just putting that out there to help with the "public service message" of this thread! And yes indeed, as you have unfortunately learned the hard way, a probiotic is astoundingly important too. My family doctor years ago told me this... and I am dumbfounded that every other doctor handing out endless antibiotic prescriptions does not DEMAND that the patient take a probiotic along with it.
Hope you are feeling better!
choosing life
Clindamycin is a pretty harsh antibiotic for some people. It has been known to cause C-Diff, which is some serious intestinal problems. Probiotics are really important when you take any antibiotic, but especially this one.
Even doctors are coming around and suggesting probiotics for their patients. Well, some of them are. Antibiotics aren't choosy, they kill off the good bugs along with the bad.
It is kinda creepy knowing you are the host for a lot of different organisms.