2010 Year Text - Oh, the irony!

by lepermessiah 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    Yeartext for 2010 is from the last part of verse 7 and the first part of verse 8 in 1 Cor. 13 7:8.
    "Love endures all things. Love never fails."

    I love the irony of the new year text. I saw the latest WT study edition and there it was.

    I have used 1 Corinthians 13 so much lately to argue how UNLOVING the organization is.......

    I have compared a couple of local elders as "loud clashing cymbals" and have told a couple of others that i think the elders as a whole are trained by the Society (TM) to be condescending and unloving toward the Friends (TM)

    The WT spin on this scripture pisses me off - to me it comes down to:

    Love = Total Obedience to the WTS

  • alanv

    According to JWs, love is the way you can identify them as the true religion. What you are never told as a witness though is that the love is only there when you completely agree with the teachings of the WT. Once you show any disagreement with anything that is said from the platform you will be marked as not good company.

    Their love is a totally conditional love and way different to the love that Jesus spoke about. Always you will be told go speak to the elders about your problem. You are simply not allowed to have any of your own thoughts. Real love in the cong. would allow you to talk to anyone about anything. That is what real love is all about.

  • chickpea

    wow! that is a step-down from all the
    "be on the watch; the end is seriously right here"
    palaver to keep the masses in bored expectation.....

  • leavingwt

    It was my love for what is true that motivated me to leave the WT.

  • dinah

    I'm betting they tie that in with the ministry. Love of your fellow man will motivate you to get out there and try to save their asses.

  • WTWizard

    "Love endures all things". Translation: Out of "love", you will spend all your time in field circus. This means not getting warmed up or cooled off, not taking breaks, not straggling out late or not being ready, and no wasting time while out in field circus. And, despite persecution (and that includes if Osama Obama sells us out to the UN, and they impose Islam on us), we are still expected to get out there anyways and endure whatever it takes. Even if it means starting World War III in the process.

    "Love never fails". Translation: There is no excuse to fail to be out in field circus every damn day.

  • shopaholic

    This religion is a real trip. "Love endures all things"...in other words, if you really love Jehovah you will endure the imperfections of the organization and the men that lead it. If you really love Jehovah, you will stay faithful despite the false prophecies and it being obvious its all a racket.

    Its all a mind game.

    Set yourself free!!!


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