"To Verdener" DVD: Now available at a Blockbuster store near you?

by inkling 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • inkling

    If anyone has yet to see the excellent Danish JW-themed film
    "To Verdener" ("Worlds Apart"), check your local Blockbuster!
    Last time I was in there, I saw the DVD on the shelf, with a
    "Blockbuster Exclusive" label.


  • JWoods

    There are still any Blockbuster stores open?

  • inkling
    There are still any Blockbuster stores open?

    Ha! Indeed. Downtown, across from the blacksmith, next door to the "Post Office".

  • bohm

    I think it was a problem the jw family was allways depicted in an extremely moody and clinical way. What i am thinking is that that is rarely the case (im speaking out of my very limited experience here!) and will just confirm the idea of an apostate agenda in jw's who see it or in the outsiders. It would be far better to put even greater focus on how jw families are often well functioning on the outside, but very easy to mess up because children are often DF'ed. ofcourse that is more difficult to put into a movie. besides this, i would prefer some of the figures to be more fleshed out.. especially the father and the older brother.

    and besides, whats up with the white 'cultish' clothes at the convention?! and SHE WORE TROUSERS IN FIELD SERVICE! (my girlfriend complained about that one, which i found kind of cute ;-) ).

  • Plummet

    Thats crazy I was just looking it up today and you can buy a used copy from the blockbuster website for $9.99

  • OnTheWayOut
    There are still any Blockbuster stores open?
    Ha! Indeed. Downtown, across from the blacksmith, next door to the "Post Office".

    Is that near the Fotomat or the stables?

    It's worth it, folks.

  • whoknows

    I agree with OTWO - it won't win the best picture academy award, but it is totally worth seeing and sharing with ex-jws and any jws that are open minded enough to watch it. There is SO much to identify with and so many cultish aspects of the WTS that are undeniable. I'm calling Blockbuster right now.

  • Saoirse

    I would love to see this but it doesn't seem to be available in Canada. We always get left out.

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