my cool dfd son and i are now soooo frikkin close....god i love him to death....he is 24 and really finding his groove and i never shunned him a sec since he was dfd at 17 anyway...but omg the bond we are now having....and he is so glad i am out on my own and being true to myself
he invited me to a big party a couple of weeks ago....posted about it with cool pics on facebook....a delayed wedding reception for a couple and a going away as well since they are moving of continent....she used to work for me and what a club i found at the party....she is dfd...husband...all son....even a coulple of old biz partners of mine were there from a crazy lil biz we started all there were over 30 former dubs at this kickass rocking beautiful party!!!!!
and there were even 4 dubs there....real slacker...nonjudgemental friends........ahhhhhhh it was a small club and a great time
so its been a few weeks since i left my is really hard seeing her suffer...i hate it...but hope she will be happier in the long in general is really weird right now....for sure have NOT found my groove you have any idea how much shit you need when you move out??...and did you know that aldis grocery store does not even have bags to put your groceries in???...weird...i mean i knew costco does not....but a grocery store? i am gettin damm good a laundry.....not doing much ironing...just hate it!!!.........and OMG food seems to last forever!...geeze i must really not eat a lot..............oompa