This is kind of hard to put into words. I have faded for over a year now and have moved on with my new life.
I still have friends and family who are JWs that I care for very much. I don't say anything to them about JWs and they don't know I no longer believe and miss meetings.
I am in contact with them because they are nice people even though they would shun me in a heartbeat if they found out about me - but - this is where it gets tricky...
I find the more things I do that are in opposition to JW rules and regulations, nothing bad mind you, the more disconnect I feel towards my JW relatives and friends. I find myself wanting to withdraw from them because their world and mine are so diametrically opposed to each other that the longer this goes on the bigger the whole thing could blow if and when I am "discovered"
When I was simply not going to meetings and keeping a low profile it wasn't so bad, but now I celebrate some holidays and have different viewpoints, everytime I come into contact with witness friends and family it seems like the only thing keeping our worlds from colliding is a very thin line.
Has anyone else experienced this?