I found this article amusing for a variety of reasons and though I would share.
Many of us here are faimliar with the "countercult ministries" that seem to be popular within evangelical Christianity. These organizations make videos, books and websites, as well as hold seminars and conventions about how to "witness" to cult groups.
During my own exit from the Watchtower I came in contact with a number of these organizaitons. I also came across some of their publications, such as Walter Martains "Kingdom of the Cults". While I tended to find these materials interesting at first, I eventually came to the conclusion that they basically were garbage. A different brand of fundamentalism that used poorly reasoned arguments and emotional rhetoric to persuade people to their own version of Christianity.
The above article is interesting in that it actually offers (in some places) a good critique of these countercult groups. It should be noted however, that while his critique of others is fairly logical, he completely drops the ball when it comes to the absurdities of his own belief. If he would have kept his critique only to the countercult evangelical groups, he would have been ok. But he then takes it a step further by inserting his own beliefs about the war between the kingdom of god and the devil.
Its a great example of a compartmentalized mind.