Ancient astrology and modern Christianity is there a viable connection ?

by The Almighty Homer 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Its unarguable that all ancient cultures in the past, such as that of the Israelites, were ignorant of the very

    world which we live in. Most of these cultures perceived the sun to be a spiritual god of sorts and perhaps

    the stars as lesser gods although many more in numbers. The recent movie Zeitgeist that came out recently

    highlights this fact and how many deities may have actually originated by virtue of astronomical observations

    by the ancients themselves.

    So it brings up the question does Christianity along with other faiths really have its roots in imaginative astrology

    derived from ancient cultures and civilizations ?

  • Black Sheep
  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Absolutely there is.

    Although some zealous advocates of the connection between ancient astrology and Christianity go beyond what is provable as fact, there is still plenty of rock solid evidence that links the two together.

    The same could be said for the entire bible.

    Take for example the number 7. Why so special in so many ancient cultures and in particular - the bible itself...even denoting divine completeness?

    Answer: the solar system had seven heavenly bodies that moved in the sky. The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

    Ooops. Only one problem. That picture of the solar system was incomplete. There were other heavenly bodies that moved in the solar, they just were not visible to the naked eye of imperfect people....hmmm

    If the bible were really divinely inspired wouldn't the number for divine completeness include Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto? (well maybe not Pluto - haha).

    Just sayin...

    The Oracle

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I would have to agree with you Black Sheep, that what was presented in the movie may have been overly played out regarding Horus.

    One thing that is clear though is that the Egyptians were heavily involved with astrological symbolisms in their mystical ideologies,

    notably the sun and the moon being the eyes of their gods as an example.

    Ironic isn't that the Egyptian eye of Horus or Ra looking out from the top of the Great Pyramid or the Pyramid itself played such a important

    role in the date calculating of important years used by none other than C T Russell of the WTS. ( Dawn of the Millennium )

    This Egyptian eye is still used on the US dollar bills.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    One thing is certain the solar system in all its variants were perceived by ancient cultures as spiritual deities and so were worshiped

    as such, spanning as far back before the Egyptian dynasties right up to the last millennium.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Have a read of Paganism in Our Christianity by Arthur Weigall, a book quoted in the Trinity brochure.

    Arthur is a Christian, but, as an Egyptologist, struggles to find what he believes is the real Jesus buried in the mess of pagan beliefs incorporated into the Bible.



  • designs

    Black Sheep, thanks for posting the Book by Weigall.


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