Hmmmm not sure if it could be termed as evolution of god... maybe evolution of our consciousness? spiritual maturity?
Some thoughts that occured to me as I was reading a number of threads around the forum... Maybe this idea has made an appearance before....
Disclaimer : I am no expert in the history of human belief so I won't be surprised if I am wrong on my facts/chronology.
Ok so as humans evolved (this is from my perspective as an atheist so if you don't agree, too bad ), we started experiencing a consciousness and awareness that was different from other animals i.e. the ability to question, investigate and attribute unexplained phenomena to supernatural forces.
At first, cave man feared the actual elements themselves... fire was worshipped, lightning, the sun, fearsome wild beasts etc. All of these things were awe inspiring and possessed far more power than a mere human.
Then at some point, someone came up with the idea that these things were actually controlled by powerful beings or gods and that to escape such forces, you had to appease the god behind it. So you got the god of lightning, god of sea etc etc.
Now this logically (or not!) led to a whole plethora of gods and goddesses springing up for every possible situation, even abstract ones like god of prosperity, god of goodwill and so on. I suppose tribes felt that whichever belief system that had the most number of dieties was more powerful than the others coz you've got all these big guns on your side right...
But wait, there's an even better improvement... instead of having different dieties for your crops, health and laundry... you could have one all powerful god that could do all this and more! *snap* and then this god trumps them all!! Woo hoo....
Now this god can do good AND bad things.... so that's not nice PR and people are starting to grumble... so let's make a good god and a bad god.. good guy always saves the day and when the sh*t hits the fan, we can all blame the dirty one. Excellent!
However, good god GG is supposed to be more powerful than bad god BG, but BG is still allowed to run around playing pranks.... errr... ok.... even if BG is not really given much airtime, it still shows that GG is unable to do anything about the bad stuff which kinda ruins his all powerful reputation.
So then BG is pretty much dropped from the scene and it's all down to us now and free will. GG is a big love, free hugs kinda guy and he wants us all to come to him. He wants us to chill out with him in a place called heaven, but everyone tries not to mention hell too much (unless you are a loopy fanatic). Hell turns people off. No, just stick to the heaven message and GG being all chilled out and loving. He's too far away to do anything positive out here but you still need him in your life.
Not your cup of tea? Ok then, let's scrap GG and BG and just turn it all into this vague energy you feel around you, or some sort of karma.
If that STILL doesn't tickle your fancy, you can drop it all and just get on with life.
Ramblings aside.... When we understood so little about our environment, the scary things were gods in themselves.... once we learned such natural forces could be tamed or useful, then there were gods behind such events.... needing sacrifices and appeasing to get them to cooperate.
The more we learned, the less we needed a god for every little thing.... so we got rid of the silly ones and grouped the big ones into a single figure. But there were still problems with this, and the more and more we learn about our earth and universe, the less special god became