I think a lot of it was semi "dramatised"
The girl supposedly had a panic attack in her hotel room, and had to run into the bathroom.
Microphones had been put in there so she and her friend could talk into them
"are you okay?"
"I'll be alright" in loud whispers. The crew must have been tipped off this was going to happen.
Martial arts are OUT to witlesses. If the girl is mixed up you only need to look at the parents to see why.
The little boy was bawled out for pretending to shoot a gun, but they send the girl to learn how to beat the stuffing out of other human beings.
If everybody thinks Megan is a freak, as she claimed how come she got on so well socially with the girls she was partying with. She would be a nut job even without the witchtower. Ill bet the congregation has little to do with that family because they are "weak".
I cannot condemn them because they were about as devoted to the JW religion as any other rebel or apostate on this board.
How many of us could show our own lives and then expect the viewers to believe that we are true believing witlesses??
It was a programme about a screwed up family who happened to claim a certain faith. You will find catholic, mormon, sikh and muslim families every bit as warped as this one and worse.
Did anbody else notice that the mother was holding up a Gideons Bible she had read from?