"holding out hope" or"coming back to Jah"

by Iwonder17 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Iwonder17

    OMFG I can't stand it anymore.

    I am so sick of hearing and reading things from my family that says that they are "holding out hope" that I will come back. Or they say that they are praying to Jehovah that I will come back.

    WHAT OTHER RELIGION is so crazy that they say these things?!?!?!?! If a buddhist person decides not to go to their church anymore, do their parents/family bombard them with this crap? What about a Jew or whatever?

    I understand that they are brainwashed and all, but geez, they don't realize that they are making THEMSELVES nuts over something that is not worth it. My family is litteraly driving themselve crazy with all of the worrying that they have for me. Yes, I appreciate their concern, but geez, I can't imagine that a protestant family would go to the lengths that the Dub's go to in their crying and depression when one of their family members says that they don't want to sit in the kingdum hall for another boring talk about the same old crap.

    I don't get it !!!

  • AllTimeJeff

    Well, you said it, they are brainswashed. They are in a cult. There is no balanced or reasonable thinking involved here.

    If you don't get it, then thats all thats important. To expect JW's to act like other religions, when their whole existence is predicated on being as different as can be from other religions, is not reasonable.

    Perhaps its a good reminder of how important it is to stay open minded. JW's close the minds of their flock as effectively as any group I know of. That is the lesson for me.

    Sorry though. When you parents act nutty, it'll mess with you.

  • moshe

    Well, if you are out long enough, the old KH as you knew it is no more anyway. It seems like every 30 years or so they shed their skin like a snake and have some major changes in teachings/organization. Only the real lovers of truth and true followers of Jehovah (oxymoron) stick out the changes in teachings. Just pick out a new teaching and make that as your reason for being stumbled from going back to the KH.

  • Quandry

    Maybe you could tell them you've now "seen the light,"and are ready to return because:

    1. You had a problem with going to the book study in people's homes and why it was important. You thought about it hard and now realize that indeed, the bookstudy will be vital once the tribulation breaks out and the KHalls are closed.......... What? There are no more bookstudies in homes?

    2. You had a hard time with the doctrine that all the annointed were chosen by 1935 and the way was now closed to heaven, but you after careful study of WT material you agree with former President Franz that the door is indeed closed and that it is truly a mark of true Christianity that the number of annointed would continue decreasing each year.....What? People can still become annointed? And the number is going up????

    I am sure you can think of a few other things they've changed recently....anyhow, you could have fun with this!!

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    This indentured " holding hope " presents itself of course because the ever present little time left

    scenario, which every JWS gets indoctrinated with at every meeting they go to or every magazine

    or book they read by the WTS. The lack of a rational sense of reasoning on this information,

    cultivates and supports typical JWS to push this belief system, extraneously on to others who simple

    are not with them on this suggestion. I hope my family gets a bolt of lightning from the god of integrity

    and honesty and they'll realize what a sham they got themselves involved with. I wont hold my breath on that though.

    One thing you can be assured of is that the psychology of the JWS right from the bottom to the very top of the tower

    is not wholesome and healthy by any stretch of the imagination.

  • WTWizard

    They can hold out all the damn hope they want for me to go back to the cancer. But, until they physically drag me into the Kingdumb Hell, there is no way in hell that I will be going back inside that dump.

  • feeling good
    feeling good

    I agree with ALL TIME JEFF........... "They are brainwashed".

    I have a friendship with a lady in the congregation (a mother/daughter relationship)I have told her I am very turned off with the organization and do not want to be there.

    She constantly tells me she knows I love Jehovah and will be back. I told her and others that I love Jehovah but can love Jehovah without being part of a organization. So she calls me yesterday I guess she was in field service and asked if she and the car group could come by. I told her no that I was not home she told me the group really missed me and wanted to see me. She then continued where are you? I was out of state which is only a 25 minute ride and then continued to ask me where? Typically I wouldn't be annoyed but she was questioning in field service.

    I then called her this morning and told her not to come by with anyone she continues to say how many people love me etc.. I told her half of them didn't talk to me now they love me. Of course she is going to defend them etc. Oviously my situ is different but I have decided I have to cut off my association with her.........

    It is so annoying, I think they feel we must be misrebel and are going to be destroyed or something. They think anything outside the organization is DOOMED.

    I am happy I was never like that but because thats all know. I really feel bad for them.

  • LostGeneration

    Hope is their drug of choice. It is rooted in their realization that if they really think about it, you are bird food according to their teachings. They will live in bliss forever, and you wont be there. The weird thing is this is all on a subconcious level. If they actually stopped and thought about it for a hour or so with their conscious mind, it might break the trance they are in. They might actually start to evaluate what they have come to believe, and consider the possibility it might be wrong.

    So they force those thoughts to the back of their mind, and take another hit on the "hope bong" Its the only way they make it through this life...

  • Leprechaun

    Coming back to “Jah,” just hearing that to me, is so pampas. Again they assume Jehovah is them and they are Jehovah, the heavenly father could not possibly view that with approval. I feel such terms are god dishonoring, to lower him to a human level.

  • Opus92

    I then called her this morning and told her not to come by with anyone she continues to say how many people love me etc.. I told her half of them didn't talk to me now they love me.

    I've noticed that there's only two times when Witnesses "love" nonbelievers... when they're trying to get them to join and when they're trying to get them to come back. Otherwise, you're not loved; you're tolerated.

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