Beloved, I call upon you, as strangers and sojourners, to keep from the fleshly desires, that war against the soul,
1) Didn't God give us fleshly desires?
2) Isn't it the fleshly things that give us pleasure?
3) What fleshly desires is Pete talking about?
Perhaps alcohol, (can hurt our bodies)
or maybe food, (can make us fat and unhealthy)
What about being in nature, (could get attacked by an animal or bitten by a snake or spider)
or what about sex (I'm not sure how that can hurt us if we take appropriate precautions) Pete might have been thinking about this because at the time they didn't make said precautions.
Obviously drugs (which can include prescription and over the counter as well as tobacco and betel nut (whatever the hell that is)
Can you think of any others that can harm our soul (which in WT interpretation is our HUMAN life)