What's the meaning of 1 Peter 2:11

by ldrnomo 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ldrnomo
    Beloved, I call upon you, as strangers and sojourners, to keep from the fleshly desires, that war against the soul,

    1) Didn't God give us fleshly desires?

    2) Isn't it the fleshly things that give us pleasure?

    3) What fleshly desires is Pete talking about?

    Perhaps alcohol, (can hurt our bodies)

    or maybe food, (can make us fat and unhealthy)

    What about being in nature, (could get attacked by an animal or bitten by a snake or spider)

    or what about sex (I'm not sure how that can hurt us if we take appropriate precautions) Pete might have been thinking about this because at the time they didn't make said precautions.

    Obviously drugs (which can include prescription and over the counter as well as tobacco and betel nut (whatever the hell that is)

    Can you think of any others that can harm our soul (which in WT interpretation is our HUMAN life)


  • moshe
    -to keep from the fleshly desires, that war against the soul,

    Well, they didn't have TV, video games, disco, Internet, cars, etc., to warn the Christians against- all the fun stuff that keeps a person from worrying about God. If the religionists didn't rell us this fun stuff was bad for us, we wouldn't feel bad would we?

  • God_Delusion

    Peter, my friend, didn't exist, neither did his boss, Jesus. Neither does a Jehovah rule up and beyond somewhere in the universe.

    If you like stories, check out Star Wars....

  • be wise
    be wise


    Beloved, I call upon you, as strangers and sojourners, to keep from the fleshly desires, that war against the soul,

    the key is the word 'and sojourners' - PROGRAM

    PROGRAM not a mechanical process NOTHING relates

    the way to describe it would be A HANGED MAN


    be wise

  • creativhoney

    heartbreak from fleshly desires, jealousy is rottenness to the bones and so on. -

    Im not sure what this argument is quite getting at , but drugs and alcohol can ruin lives.. but believers in god surely cant say its gods fault for making us desire drugs cant they?

    have some self control and stop blaming god for everything, if people accept responsibility they stop doing all the stuff they blame on a hard life/god/abuse etc usually?

  • actage

    maybe this will help from blue letter bible, David Guzik Study Guide for 1 Peter 2 .

    a. Abstain from fleshly lusts: We can only abstain from fleshly lusts as we live as sojourners and pilgrims, as those who recognize that this world is not their home, and that they have a home and a citizenship in heaven.

    b. Which war against the soul: Peter understands that these fleshly lusts . . . war against the soul. To be a Christian means to fight against the lusts of the flesh, and the battle continues as long as we live in this flesh

    i. It is easy for us to see how the pursuit of fleshly lusts can destroy our body physically. Just ask the alcoholic dying of liver disease, or ask the sexually immoral person with AIDS or one of the 350,000 people on this earth who contracted a sexually transmitted disease in the last 24 hours. But Peter reminds us that fleshly lusts also war against the soul. Some escape disease in the physical body when they sin, but the disease and death of the inner man is a penalty that no one given over to the flesh escapes.

    flesly lusts should also be understood in consideration of the list of fleshly sins in Galatians 5:19-21

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