32 Years Of Preaching For One New Convert?

by Bangalore 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore
  • alanv

    I sometimes post on a site called Friends United and post messages on the JW discussion page. I asked what the feeling was among UK witnesses about the 1% increase they had this year. One guy said that does not matter as it was a seperating work they do and it doesn't matter how long it takes. Mind you the society said this 1% apparantly shows Jehovah is blessing their efforts. You just cant win (sigh)

  • wobble

    I agree with the points made ,(I think it seems to be a poor translation- pity).

    I did this calculation myself on another thread,and of course the reality is many Dubs do not do anywhere near 12 hours a month,so will never make a convert.

    Good !

    The question I would like to ask a Dub is "If this method of preaching is so obviously ineffective, do you think Jesus sanctions it ?"

    The sub-text being "Or are you following the whims of men who just want to keep you too busy to think ?"



  • teel

    That calculation does not take into account that a big number of baptized ones are children. In my personal experience I estimate about 25% of the baptized as new ones. That brings the total number of new converts from 289,678 to 72,419, and the time needed to reach one person to 20,556 hours, or with a 10 hour/month FS average to 171 years.

  • chickpea

    i wonder how the stats
    would play out if only
    REAL field service time
    was submitted.... bet
    the total numbers of
    FS would drop like a rock

  • OnTheWayOut

    Two thoughts- some JW's manage to feel that the gathering work is pretty much done so Armageddon must be really really imminent if the growth has slowed down (the no-win argument with a JW about growth).

    Also, look at how ineffective the preaching for over 100 years has been. Ask a typical person about the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. "What do they preach? What is it that you reject of their message?" People assume they "don't believe in Jesus" or "refuse all medical treatment" or something wrong or trivial. I don't know much about many faiths, but to be such an important assignment as preaching the truth in the last days, I would think JW's would have gotten some important message out there. Yes, the argument is that Satan clouds people with Christian Scientists and mainstream Christianity and holidays- still, God's people are not doing so well with over a billion hours a year.

  • Bangalore

    They could perhaps reach more people if they had a TV ministry.


  • WTWizard

    Personally I have gotten zero people into the cancer solely by my efforts (not including the inevitable person that took the littera-trash from me and moved, and studied; and are now saving whole regions from demolition). And I have only placed one Suffer Forever book and relatively few other books--mostly the rags and wastes of paper.

    If you took away all the fake times and the children that get baptized, I bet you would end up somewhere near accurate. The fake times skew the time toward more time needed per baptism, while children getting baptized skew it toward less time. These two irregularities work against each other, and partially cancel each other out. Now, if they would take out the fake times, I wonder how many witlesses there would still be left.

  • teel

    WTWiz: it's not entirely true. Although fake time does exist, the calculations are not affected by it. If say in average a person reports 10 hours/month, then he, the average JW will need 171 years in FS. Now, if he spends only 2 actual hours, that's his problem, but the calculations still stand. Both numbers take the reported hours, so they cancel each other, the actual hours spent don't matter in this context.

    In math:

    1,488,658,249Rep.h. / (289,678Bap / 4) = 20,556Rep.h./Bap. (the number 4 is from my assumption that 25% are new recruits)

    20,556Rep.h./Bap. / 120Rep.h/year = 171.3year/Bap. (here both numbers are in Reported hours, and they fall out, leaving the result in year/Bap.)

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