Hello, dearest Radar... may you have peace!
My first compulsion was to not answer at all... and maybe even lie... for YOUR benefit. But... since truth must prevail:
This man (and MANY others) does have such an ability; he is a spirit medium. His ability is the same as mine: discernment of spirits or inspired utterances. However, the One from whom I received MY 'gift', has cautioned ME that it is not to be used in this way. Which is why I don't do it. I 'hear' that this man was cautioned, too, as are all psychics and spirit mediums.
That is because this one, too, received a gift... but 'missed its purpose'. He received free, but he uses his gift to 'exact a price.' What an unloving thing to do! The reason he 'mediums' between the living and the dead, rather than use the ability to glorify God and Christ (which is why we are granted such 'gift')... is because there is NO money... or glory... in the latter. Sure, there are people who pay to hear about God and Christ... and those who accept such pay... BUT... what they pay for and receive... and preach... is not the truth. The TRUTH, dear one... has been and always WILL be... free.
As it is with flesh, however, there are people who tend to NEED someone to glorify. This man, then, fits the bill, for some. Their loss is GREAT, and while you may see him as comforting people, he is actually exploiting their grief, and getting paid to do it. In money, and now in glory. Tell me, where is the love in that, really?
The gift of discerning spirits means that you hear spirits: good AND bad. Trust me, there are all KINDS of 'noise' going on in that realm. For those in heaven, there is no day or night, so they don't sleep. For those in the world of the dead... their spirits must be 'conjured' or 'resurrected' in order to hear them. This can be done, but I have been forbidden to do so. The time I went there (in the spirit), I knew my limits... I could not ask them anything, nor could I respond to the one question they seemed to raise: 'is this the One'?
And because I want to keep receiving the WONDERFUL things of LIFE in way of sayings and visions that I do, and don't want to put my Father to the 'test', I don't mess around with the dead. Hey, they can't save me!
But, because you ASKED, my Lord has granted me to answer. Because... and ONLY because... you asked. Now, what you DO with such an answer is entirely up to you. I caution you, though: both my mother and my father of the flesh are dead... and I have NO desire to 'contact' either of them. Why? Because my Lord, who teaches me to benefit MYSELF, has told me that I DON'T want to 'go there'. And I have learned to trust HIM... implicitly... so, I don't. Although I miss them greatly, I will see them again soon enough. My Lord, who had not lied to me yet, assures me.
Peace to you,
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
P.S. And it's "John Edward". There is no 's' on his surname. (Sorry... pendantic me).