The weather people all were making a big deal out of snow supposedly coming to the area....riiiiight...even if it did snow the ground is too warm (which of course the make sure to say) for it to stick...all we got was a bit of ice on the windshield and the street are a little slick...nothing substantial.
This morning the front and rear windshields on my fiancees car are iced over. I went out and warmed the car up for her. The car door and the wipers were frozen. Got that taken care of. I got back inside and she asks me if I locked the car back up since it is warming up. I told her to hand me her other set of keys...and I went into the bathroom......opened the window...pointed the keychain at the car...and locked it from inside....I am in my robe and it is cold outside.....she wondered what the hell I was
Yes, my car is in the garage. No, that is not wrong... I would have her put her car in the garage but I would still have to start my car up and warm it up and de-ice it...we have to park behind each other not side by side in the drive. Either way her car is warmed up. She said she is getting spoiled... I get up and pour her coffee (from the coffeemaker I set up the night before) and make her peanut butter toast for, yeah, I do spoil
I know that toast is not a big deal of course. I make a full breakfast, including omelets, on the weekend (Sun/Mon). Before we met, she didnt even eat toast during the week..with diabetes she needs to eat more regularly and she needs proteins. I want her to be healthy and I know its a bummer getting up at 5 am (or sometimes earlier) with her when I dont have to get up until 7 with her son....but I want to do that for her...and I know the cynics will say its romantic but it won't last ...yeah...I think it will....anyone willing to put up with me gets treated well. Sometimes I go back to bed, or as is the case this morning, I stay up and surf the net or watch something on the DVR I have recorded.
I will get the boy up in about 45 minutes but for now I will enjoy the quiet of the house, sip my coffee, pet the cat who is sleeping on her perch next to my desk, and see what has transpired in the world today. Then off to the repair shop to see why my car is overheating..and hope its only a $20 thermostat or radiator cap or something...not something more ominous.... I need to work today. Seems like, as is the case with everyone else, I am struggling to keep the head financially above water....
Life is good.
Snakes (Rich )
Back to reality...I have to take my car into the shop...apparently something is wrong...if the car sits with the engine running for 15-20 minutes it overheats (the temp gauge jumps to H) but goes away if I turn on the heat...and the heater takes too long to get warm..... could be a thermostat....could be worse.... I can't seem to get ahead. Supposed to work today....may not happen if it takes too long...and it is cold this morning.. ...windshield wipers on Toni's car were frozen and her door was stuck....guess who went out to get it warmed up...(yes, my car is in the garage...I would put hers in there but then it still doesnt car would be behind hers and still have to warm up one car for her to get out.