As we all know the net is chock full in conspiracy theories, Bible prophets and end of the world prognosticators. Some of the things being promoted are UFO invasions, end of the world in 2012, asteroid strikes, the rapture, aliens disquising themselves as humans, a one world government and a new world currency. All this just scratches the surface. What I'd like to know is which or what, if any you put any credence in? Personally the 2012 thing is kind of interesting. I've done a little research on it and it seems that there does seem to be some pretty drastic worldwide catastrophies that occur about every 3-4 thousand years. The "true believers" say that the orbit of the planet Nibiru is in an eliptical orbit that is 3600 years long and is due to return in late 2012. Now I'm not out building an underground bunker and stocking it with food but it actually is a fascinating subject if you look into it and do your best to ignore the real nut jobs and their websites. Another possibility associated with this planet or dead star as some say is the possibility of it's relationship with the flood myths that are common in most if not all world cultures. No folks, I don't believe in the Biblical flood but I do believe there was some carastrophe involving water that had an effect on the memories of all these people. The stories are just too similar. A very large passing planitary body could have had gravitational effects resulting in some rather massive sunamies. It also could have caused a large asteroid to leave its orbit and hit the sea, again causing massive sunamies. Sure this is pure speculation based on very limited and sketchy evidence but it is fascinating to ponder and research. It's certainly something well within the realm of possibility. There are other theories that I also find very interesting, but I won't go into them all. They do have some basic scientific content however. Are there any of these "theories" you find interesting that include some basis in possibility? What, for example is your opinion on man made carbon dioxide based global warming? We know for certain that drastic world weather can and has changed drasticly in the very recent past. The "little ice age" ended just over 100 years ago and had lasted 6 centuries. The event didn't take centuries to start either, just a couple of years. Worldwide catastrophies can and do happen suddenly.