Is there a higher standard for those seeking reinstatement?

by jabberwock 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jabberwock

    It seems that more is required of disfellowshipped people who are trying to be reinstated than Witnesses who are in good standing.

    For example, I often hear that a disfellowshipped person must have a good record of meeting attendance before being considered for reinstatement. If they are not regular in attendance their request for reinstatement will be denied. But, Witnesses in good standing are not disciplined or punished in any way for missing meetings.

    And what if the disfellowshipped person is known to be socializing with coworkers or dating a worldly person? This will almost certainly be seen as evidence that they are not ready to be let back into the congregation.

    Why are they kept out of the congregation for behavior that would warrant little or no action if engaged in by a Witness in good standing?

    Witnesses themselves acknowledge that disfellowshipped ones are weak and in need of spiritual help, even after they have been reinstated. So, why ask more of them than of supposedly spiritually healthy and strong Witnesses?

    It seems hypocritical and nonsensical even by Witness standards.

  • TMS

    What the elders are supposed to be monitoring is evidence of true repentance, but in reality reinstatement involves catering to a very superficial display of attendance, condescension and adherence to whatever arbitrary whims the local judicial committee chooses to impose. Some play the game well, others not so well. A respectful demeanor while sitting on the back row, taking copious notes especially when someone serving on your committee is speaking, dressing down somewhat, never making eye contact with an active JW, making every meeting.

    When you meet with the committee considering your reinstatement, you fully acknowledge your sinful course, how the Bible, the Watchtower, the meetings and the wise counsel of the elders has moved you to totally change your thinking and view of matters. If your DFing involved a relationship with another person, you've absolutely cut all ties. . . no association, phone calls, texting, etc. He/she is out of your life.


  • Pistoff

    Or is it political; I have a good friend whose son was df'd, and sought reinstatement for 18 months. The committee that booted him was in another town, and would not consent to his reinstatement, even though they never met with him. The son gave up.

    It was political payback for the father giving the elders in the old hall years earlier.

    Seeking reinstatement is a way for elders to extract groveling from df'd ones; it is shameless.

    A far cry from the parable of Jesus, where the prodigal is accepted from a distance and welcomed into the home; no mention of attendance records and interrogation about how he is "showing conduct befitting repentance."

  • Finally-Free

    I think it's all political. I knew one elders son who was reinstated after only 3 months.


  • cantleave

    Depends who you are and who your family knows. If you are a nobody you will have to jump through hoops, if your dad is theCOBE (it is unlikely you would be DF'd in the first place) your reinstatement would be more or less automatic. Don't mean to be synical but I have seen it first hand.

  • WTWizard

    The more they think they can get out of you, the harder it will be. If you have family that is in, and you are not readily able to function outside, they will be more likely to be extra harsh than if you were dragged back in and are alone in (especially if they stupidly think you will complete the Value Destroyer Training School, take all your billion assignments and fulfill them all, and plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages).

    Also, much has to do with how much you donate to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. If someone is donating heavliy to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, they have more to worry about if they get cut off than if someone barely puts a penny in that fund.

  • TMS

    From Pistoff: :

    "A far cry from the parable of Jesus, where the prodigal is accepted from a distance and welcomed into the home; no mention of attendance records and interrogation about how he is "showing conduct befitting repentance."

    Exactly. The Watchtower version of so-called reinstatement is the exact opposite of the parable of the prodigal son. It's also not a true reinstatement as the next cycle of groveling comes with a gradual "restoration of privileges:. I've seen elders flex their congregational muscles to deny very basic congregational percs like giving a talk in the TMS for some time after reinstatement if the returnee was not catering to their every whim.


  • freydo

    It's just pure cruelty. I know a PO's daughter who was reinstated after 6 months and I hardly ever saw her at a meeting.


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