Cleaning out - found old literature

by kurtbethel 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel

    I have been going through much of my belongings and getting rid of things so I can be free of them. One of my boxes of books had these items grouped together, as I view them being much alike in topic.

    spooky books

    Yes, it is all spooky mumbo jumbo and belongs all together in one place. I like to juxtapose things in my photography and art. Then there was a Watchtower from November 1990. Some bugs have been eating this spiritual food up. I flipped through it and saw the same old manipulative language. It was explaining about the Romans 13 higher authorities, and said that until 1962 Jehovah's Witnesses believed....blah blah. What rot! They did not just happen to randomly believe that. They were told to believe it by THIS VERY PUBLICATION that now distances itself from that belief and claims that the JWs just happened to believe it.

    So here it is, spiritual food that has been delicious food for bugs.

    yummy spiritual food

    So that's all tonight folks, enjoy!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    LOL! i remember that watchtower cover!

    When i look at it now i think what a corny attempt to make him look wild and worldly! WTF. stubble and windblown hair!


  • fokyc

    Very important Watchtower, November 1st 1990, had the explanation of 'the superior authorities' in it,

    perhaps you should let 'the bugs' carry on with their work?


  • cantleave

    Love those aviator style specs, I had some just like that in the late 80's early 90's.

  • finallysomepride

    Makes one wunder how many of those that have had their faces used in the jws publications are still in the 'truth' (yeah right) and if they are out, how they feel about the thought that their faces are going to be associated with jws for the rest of their lives due to being in the mags?

  • LouBelle

    Yes I was still in the faith and studied that watchtower. A whole 14 years old, not yet baptised. It would be another 15 years before I woke up!

  • kurtbethel

    UPDATE: I was looking at the book today and found it was the OLD LIGHT TM version from 1982.

    The New Light TM version was published in 1989 and had a major rewrite of pages 178-180 so that those evil sodomites will not get resurrected. It was fun to open them both up side by side and see some major track covering in action. That is how it goes when you claim one doctrine, but forget it and publish an article that is different, so have to change the next edition of a book in a feeble attempt to keep your story straight.

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